10 fast & healthy breakfasts

10 Fast & Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Your Children (and Mom too)

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10 fast & healthy breakfast ideas to successfully start your day

Start your Day with a Delicious and  Healthy Breakfast

Does your day start too busy for a healthy breakfast?  Do some mornings your children love breakfast and other mornings they wait until you are walking out the door for school and work to decide they are starving and will die before lunch if they don’t have breakfast now!   My youngest child does this all the time – it’s a breakfast crisis.

To make life and breakfast fast and healthy, I do grab and go breakfast.  If you eat breakfast right when you get up, you have a little extra time to enjoy your breakfast.   If you decide to wait, you need a quick and easy breakfast that is ready to go.

10 Fast and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

  1. Start with a glass of milk.  Ever since I was a child, I have enjoyed a glass of milk with breakfast (I don’t like plain milk, so it must include Ovaltine).  Milk is healthy and has calcium.  It also takes away your hunger.
  2. A bowl of grain based cereal like Cheerios or Honey Bunches of Oats.  Cereal can also be put in a baggie and taken with you if you need to leave in a hurry (but don’t take the milk if you eat your cereal with milk that would be messy).
  3. Overnight Oatmeal has many options and can be prepared the night before and be ready in the morning.
  4. Fruit bowl.  My girls like to mix up fruits like apple slices, grapes, raspberries, banana slices, and melons for a fruit salad.
  5. Smoothies are great breakfast.  You can mix them and eat right away or take it with you.  You can add your yogurt, protein and your favorite fruits.
  6. Yogurt with fruit and granola.  You can add in your favorite fruits like blueberries and strawberries and mix in granola for a great crunch.  But not too much granola, that would be too much fat.
  7. Peanut butter and wheat toast.  Peanut butter is filling and provides a great source of protein.
  8. Fruit to go.  For faster breakfast, you could have grapes or apples slices in a bag and ready to go.  You can make these ahead of time and have them ready to go.
  9. Breakfast Quesadillas.  Start with a whole wheat tortilla, add peanut butter and fruit.
  10. Veggie lover omelet.   Chop up your favorite veggies for your omelet the night before.  You’ll be ready in the morning for a quick and tasty breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Start your day right with a glass of milk and one of your favorites from this list.

Your turn…

What are your favorite healthy breakfasts?  How do you make breakfast fast & healthy?

Until next time be smart



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  1. All of these sound like great ideas! Sometimes it’s hard to feed your kids something yummy and nutritious, especially when your in a rush. Thanks for sharing! #SmallVictories

  2. Cereal and milk can be taken in a mug with a spoon. Its efficient and not messy. Another breakfast idea, potato omelet. 3rd idea: fry mushrooms, spring onions, capsicum, and potatoes. Set aside. Make basic omelet, dip bread in it like French Toast, fry both sides. Put on plate, add mushroom mixture on top, with shredded cheese, enjoy.

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