The sing & praise planner your daily dose of praise and joy!

3 Benefits of Daily Song & Praise

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The Sing and Praise Planner Brings Joy to Your Day

Most moms have long and busy days.  It seems like we barely get one task completed and we are rushing to start the next.  Last night felt like one of these days. I picked the kids up after work (who thankfully had done most of their homework with their Grandmother after school).  My husband and I cooked dinner.  While dinner cooked, I corrected homework with my son.  We ate dinner, cleaned up the kitchen. Then we made lunches for tomorrow.  I had the girls put away the 2 baskets of clean laundry. Everyone got a bath.  And my son still needed help studying for 2 tests.  It was a whirlwind of an evening before I got to bed at 9:30.

Great tips on the benefits of daily song and praise! Song & praise improve our mood and attitude. Find out the benefits of daily song & praise.
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I am guessing you probably have a similar evening routine.  You might even add in sports practices or gymnastics classes.  If you have a few children, it could be several practices.  Days are busy for moms.   It’s easy to get discouraged or feel like we have too much to do all the time.  That’s why taking time for song and praise is so important for moms.

Add joy to your day with sing & praise planner.

Note: I would like to thank Kate Hornor & Paradise Praises for providing me a review copy of  The Sing & Praise Planner.  All opinions here are my own.

3 Benefits of Daily Singing and Praise

Daily Praise Allows Us to Focus on God, Not Ourselves

Psalms 35:28, “Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.”

When we look around and start thinking about everything “we” have to do, all the work “we” have to get done, it can be easy to focus on ourselves and forget our blessings.  Too much focus on “me” will leave you discouraged.

The cure to a “me” focus is daily praise.  A time of  daily praise takes the focus away from us and allows us to focus on God and how He is working in our life.  During your praise time, you can sing, read your Bible and pray.  Thank God for how He works in your life.

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Daily Praise Allows Us to Recall and Remember our Blessings

Deuteronomy 10:21 “He is your praise. He is Your God, who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen.”

Daily praise also helps us remember all the blessings in our lives.  If we take a few minutes every day, it’s easy to remember many blessings and praises.  I love this page from the Sing & Praise Planner.  You can write down important events you would like to give praise for, and you can focus on remembering to be thankful.

A praise journal to help you write down your daily praises.

When we take time every day to remember our blessings, we will worry less about our troubles and what we think is important.

[bctt tweet=”If we take time for praise daily, we focus less on our troubles and what we think is important.” username=”@smartmomideas”]

Daily Song Uplifts our Spirit

Psalms 138:1, “I will give thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise.”

I always enjoy the music at church.  The song and words are so uplifting.  Have you noticed how the music can prepare your heart for the message?

When we include praise songs into our daily life and routines, it also helps prepare us for our day and for the message God wants us to hear.  It also keeps joy in our day.  It’s just hard to be in a bad mood or have a negative attitude if you are always singing a praise song.

Introducing The Sing and Praise Planner

My friend, Katie Hornor at Paradise Praises has created The Sing and Praise Planner.  It’s a planner designed to help you focus on praise every day.   The Sing & Praise Planner is a bright and cheerful planner that will bring you joy every day as write down your favorite songs and praises.

This planner includes:

  • 3 pages of colorful stickers to help you personalize your planner
  • Monthly planning pages
  • Weekly planning pages where you can write your daily praises and favorite praise songs.
  • Goal planning
  • Shopping lists
  • Journal pages
  • Praises pages
  • My favorite the Devotional praises page to write down your praises from your devotions
  • and more…

The sing & praise planner - praise and joy in your every day.

You can use The Sing and Praise Planner so many different ways.  On the monthly pages, you can highlight special days and memories.  On the weekly pages, you can write down your daily praises and prayer requests.  Don’t forget to write down the answers to your prayers too.

For just one week (from September 1-7), you can purchase The Sing and Praise Planner for just $7.00.  Don’t miss this special price.  The Sing & Praise Planner will help you fill your days with joy and praise.

Your turn…

How do take time for praise every day?  What benefits have you received from taking time for daily praise and song in your life?

Until next time be smart



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