3 Tips to Avoid the Oops!
Be Prepared and Avoid the Oops!
Do you ever have one of these moments when your child calls out, “Mommy, Mommy, we don’t have any more shampoo!” You check under the cabinets and in your extra pantry, but you find no extra shampoo. It’s an Oops moment! It happens to all of us. With a little planning, we can be prepared next time and avoid the oops.
It seems like the Oops! moment in our home is always one of the kids telling me they are out of body wash (they just had a full bottle a few days ago, how does that happen so fast?) or they need more shampoo. What causes you to have an Oops moment?
Note: I would like to thank SheSpeaks/Walmart for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.
As busy moms, we have an active career or run a business, we handle many day-to-day activities for our children and it’s easy to overlook the basics we need to stock up on at home. But with just a few minutes of preparation, it’s easy to be prepared and Avoid the Oops.
3 Easy Tips to Avoid the Oops
Inventory Your Pantry and Keep it Well Stocked
The first tip to Avoid the Oops is to keep your pantry well stocked with all your family essentials. Fortunately, www.avoidtheoops.com includes many P&G essentials to keep you stocked for all your family needs. Here’s a list of just a few items you can available:
- Pampers baby diapers and wipes
- Toothpaste
- Body wash
- Toilet paper
- Dish wash liquid and dishwasher detergent
- Laundry detergent
- And so many more items to meet your family’s basic needs.
Take a look at your pantry and decide what items you are running low on and what you need to stock up on. I have kept a well-stocked pantry for several years, I am always happy to know I have at least one extra item for all our basic home needs. Usually, before I shop, I check for items I might be running low on and stock up before I use the last one.
Plan Ahead
The second tip for Avoiding the Oops is planning ahead. In addition, to keeping all the essential items on hand, as a prepared mom, you also have to plan ahead. What items do you currently not have on hand, but might need soon? What items will you be needing more of? For example, you brush your teeth every day. To plan ahead, you need to have a few extra toothbrushes and toothpaste available when you need them.
When my children were small and still wearing diapers, I feared accidentally grabbing the last diaper and having to search through all my diaper bags, dresser drawers and behind furniture to find one last diaper. To Avoid the Oops, I always planned ahead and ordered an extra box of diapers when I was about half through the current box. Remember to order some baby wipes too!
Don’t forget your summer plans. Maybe you will be going on a vacation soon, be sure to have all the essential items you and your family will need before your trip (it’s no fun having to find a place to get the last minute item your forgot or could not find at home after you start your trip). What extra personal items like toothpaste, mouthwash, soaps and body wash will you need for your vacation?
Shop at Avoid the Oops to Stock Up For All Your Family’s Essential Needs
Shopping at www.avoidtheoops.com makes Avoiding the Oops easy. The P&G Essentials at walmart.com allows you to order everything for your family’s essential needs before you run out. When you shop at walmart.com, you can do it from home without the rush of shopping in a store, accidentally forgetting your shopping list or the leaving without the “one thing” you came to purchase.
The flexibility of shopping from home allows busy moms the option to shop conveniently at the best time for you. What’s your favorite time for home shopping – early in the morning (still in your pj’s)? Or in the evening after your children go to sleep? No more stress about when you can get to a store. The store always available when you are ready.
I almost forgot the best part of at home shopping, everything will be delivered right to your door! I loved having those large diaper boxes delivered right to my door. No more carrying big boxes and heavy bags of product to my car or from my car to my home.
Make a commitment to Avoid the Oops! Be prepared and stay stocked up on all your family essentials. Plan ahead for life changes (and don’t forget vacations), and use walmart.com to shop for all your family’s basic needs.
Your turn…
How do you Avoid the Oops? What items do you always stock up on so you are prepared when your child calls, “Mommy, we are out of …?”
Photo credit: Stock Unlimited