7 energy boosters feature

7 Energy Boosters for Exhausted Moms


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On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), are you a tired exhausted mom?  I would rate myself about a 12 on the exhaustion scale most days.  I have even missed my usual wake up time every day this week. Most moms I know say being tired is one of their biggest struggles.  Moms need more energy.  We want to feel like the Energizer bunny – we need to be able to just keep going.  These energy boosters for tired moms will help you last longer and be more energized all day.

Energy boosters for exhausted moms. If you are a tired mom, try these energizing ideas. #smartmomsmartideas, #energyboosters, #exhaustedmom

7 Energy Boosters for Tired Moms

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Sleep for 7-8 hours a night.

Let’s all admit that lack of sleep is the number one reason moms feel tired and need energy boosters. When we have small children, they frequently wake during the night, when we have older kids they don’t want to go to sleep.  Trying to get everyone to sleep makes moms very tired.

Another reason we miss sleep is that we get busy with all our projects and work and ignore our body’s need for rest.  If you are continually in a tired state lacking rest, you are more vulnerable to colds, flu and other germs you children bring home.

Tired moms need to get plenty of rest, but many times we let ourselves get busy and stay up too late.  We have to make getting sleep a priority.  If you stay up too late, start by just going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier for one week.  Then, the next week add go to bed 15-2o minutes earlier.  Continue this process until you reach your optimum sleep hours and feel rested when you get up.

How will you know you have enough sleep?  Usually, you will wake up about the same time every day without an alarm clock and feel awake and rested.   As you go through your day, you will feel more energy.

Drink Plenty of Water

You may be thinking, I have something to drink all day.  But do you drink water?  Having a coffee, tea or caffeinated soda does not hydrate your body.  You need to drink water, too.  I am speaking to myself here, I don’t drink enough water either.

To increase your water intake, start by just adding an additional 8-12 ounces of water each day to what you already drink.  After a few days, add more water.  Gradually, as you are drinking more water, you will drink less coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks.  Your body will feel better with less caffeine.

Eat Balanced Meals

Meals heavy in sugary carbs (like rice, pasta, potatoes) will make you feel more tired after you eat.  Balance your meals with protein, a small carb, and more green vegetables.

Be sure to start your day with a breakfast that also gives you energy, not a quick burst from sugary carbs (like sweet cereals), but long lasting energy like from oatmeal or eggs and other proteins.

I have noticed a salad with chicken or other protein is a great lunch because it does not leave me feeling tired in the long afternoon stretch at work.


If you do not have a current exercise routine, try to add an exercise routine to your schedule.  I am speaking to myself because just like you I am busy and adding exercise to my already packed schedule is difficult.

If a 30-45 minute exercise routine is too long, try shorter routines like 10-15 minutes.  Leslie Sansone offers great mini walk workout or power mile walks if you have the time.

When I’m busy at work, I notice my legs start to hurt (this always concerns me since I had a blood clot in the past). I stand up and walk around during meetings and conference calls. I stand for 10 minutes and move my legs several times a day, too. If you work in a large building, set a few times a day to take a 10-minute power walk. Get up and get moving.

Allow Yourself Mental Breaks

We all need a mental break sometimes.  If you have focused on a task or project for 1 hour or longer, allow yourself a 5-minute break or work on an easier task for 5 minutes.  Extended periods of high focus will make you tired and you will have less energy (especially at the end of the day).

If you need to be focused on one task for a long time, I find it’s best to work for 30 minutes and rest for 5 minutes.

Eat Healthy Snacks

When I will feel tired all day, and even if I am not hungry, I will want to have a snack.  My brain seems to be craving quick energy (a burst of sugar), but these sugary snacks rarely make me feel more energized.

If you want to reach for a snack, get a healthy snack.  Try a small handful of your favorite nuts or a protein bar.  Fruit could be a good snack because it is very filling.  The high-calorie snacks you usually grab will not make you feel more energized, and these high sugar snacks usually make us feel more tired when the “sugar” high crashes.

Get More Sunshine

If you sit at a desk working all day, you are likely to have times you feel tired like you need a nap at some point (usually after lunch).  Before you reach for a snack to get your energy boost,  try getting up and going outside for a little sunshine break.

Take a short walk down the hall, if it’s a nice day go outside and get some sunshine for a few minutes.  A few minutes of sunshine will re-energize you plus the sunshine doesn’t have any calories and allows you to get a dose of much-needed vitamin D.

If you are a tired mom that needs an energy boost today, try these tips and see how you can feel more energized in just a week or two.

Your Turn…

Are you a tired mom?  What’s your favorite energy booster?

Until next time be smart







Tired mom? Try these energy boosters for exhausted moms to get you feeling better fast. #smartmomsmartideas, #energy, #energybooster, #exhaustedmom

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