7 traits of successful people

7 Traits of Successful People


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7 habits of successful people

Do you have the 7 traits of a successful person?

Successful people have certain traits.  The good news is the 7 traits of successful people can be learned by everyone and practicing these skills will make you more successful in your work, at home, in school or college.

I am not going to say these are easy skills to master.  You may find some of these traits are easy to master, but others traits you may find difficult.  Remember, small changes can make big differences.

7 Traits of Successful People

They get up early.

Successful people don’t waste the morning hours sleeping.  They know that the most productive work gets done in the morning hours.  They set a schedule and get up early (for some this means getting up at 4:30 am or 5:00 am every day to start tackling the day).

Recently, I have started getting up earlier (5:00 am on weekdays).  I find that I am able to accomplish many tasks before it’s time to get the children up for school.

Plan: Decide a few tasks you would like to complete in the mornings and decide what time you will get up every day to complete these tasks.

They have focus and set goals.

Successful people have laser focus.  They have a clear plan to reach their goals, and they work this plan every day.  They don’t wander aimlessly through each day never seeming to get anywhere.  They have a plan to help them achieve their goals.  They may have daily, weekly, monthly and longer term goals (goals for the year, goals for 5 years and 10 years).

Goals help successful people start their day focused and design a plan for each day.

Plan:  Set your goals and use these goals to plan how you spend your time each day.

They can handle challenges.

Successful people know that life gives us challenges some days.  They face these challenges head on.  They don’t step back, they don’t put problems off till another day.  They know a challenge must be handled right now.

They also don’t let challenges discourage them.  They know that challenges give them a chance to learn something new and grow.  They accept these difficulties head on.

Plan:  Anticipate you may face challenges each day.  Be prepared to handle these challenges.

They are always learning

Successful people may know many things, but they recognize they don’t know everything.  They allow themselves time to learn every day and improve themselves.  They read books.  When possible, they take classes in person or online.  They are always learning new things.

Learning adds to our knowledge base.  As we know more, we can be more successful as we apply our new knowledge to work and life situations.  Successful people know that learning is a life long process.

Plan:  Set aside time to learn new things.  Plan to read books or take an online class.  If you have a hobby, take a class in your community.

They don’t waste time.

Successful people know that time is limited.  The time in every day is limited and the time in life is limited.  They make the most of every minute.

They choose carefully how they spend their time.  They only focus on the important tasks (i.e. ones that will help them achieve their goals).   They don’t waste time watching hours and hours of television or playing on the Internet.  They have a purpose for their time.   Note: it’s okay to have some designated relaxation time to do just things you enjoy.  Everyone also needs a time to recharge.

Plan:  Start recognizing when you are off task or wasting time.  Refocus yourself and stay focused on the task right now.  Have some time for relaxation and enjoyment; spend time with family and friends.

They recognize their own weaknesses and the compensate for them.

Successful people know that everyone has weaknesses.  We are not perfect.  They recognize their weaknesses and compensate for them.  For example, if you tend to get distracted on the Internet or social media, you might only allow yourself 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the afternoon for social media checks.

Successful people can take an honest look at themselves and determine their weaknesses.  They find ways to make those weaknesses a success.

Plan: Take a look at yourself.  What are your weaknesses?  How can you improve yourself?

They don’t quit.

Successful people don’t quit.  They understand the challenges and they keep working hard.  They recognize their own limitations, and they persevere to reach success.

They know that success takes time.  Sometimes before your reach success, you will have failure (even more than once).  They don’t quit, they try again.  They find a better way.

Plan your day like a pro - priority planner

Your turn…

What trait do you have that makes you successful?  How can you be a more successful person?

Until next time be smart


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