How to plan a blog party to grow your blog traffic | blogging tips | blogging resources

How to Grow Your Blog Traffic with a Blog Party

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I said party, you thought fun – when and where do I show up?  A blog party is about celebrating your blog. When you have a blog party, the guests are invited to your blog for all the fun.  Today, I’ll show you how to grow your blog traffic with a blog party.

Want to grow your blog traffic? Have a blog party! | blogging tips | blog growth | blog traffic

If you have a new blog or have been blogging infrequently, a blog party is a great way to get your blog active (you can post every day for a set time period like a month, or you can post on an interval like Monday, Wednesday, Friday).  When you have a blog party you focus on a topic like back to school or family traditions or reason for your party like launching your blog.

With the right theme for your blog party, you can also grow your blog traffic and audience. If you focus on a current topic, you will get more seasonal traffic.  If you have an evergreen topic, you will likely receive traffic to your blog year round from your blog party. Blog parties are a way you can naturally build an audience around the topic.

How to Plan a Blog Party and Grow Your Audience

Choose a Party Theme

The first step with a blog party is to plan your theme.  I did a blog party in July with a focus on Back to School.  All the posts in the month of the July focused on Back to School topics.

You can choose any theme like Christmas gift ideas or home organization or best parenting tips. The best theme will match your blog’s overall topics and focus.  The purpose of the party is to bring targeted traffic to your blog.  Choose a topic that fits with your blogs overall theme and will bring the right audience to your site.

If you are a new blogger or launching a new website, a blog party is a great way to launch your site. You can either write the posts yourself on the different topics your blog will cover or you can invite a few blogging friends to join your party.

Set a Posting Schedule

Once you have set your theme, you will want to decide how frequently you will post to your blog party. It’s a party, so you want to post frequently (maybe more often than you usually do) and create a buzz for your blog party.

When I did my Back to School blog party, I posted every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (and I added a few extras too), but Monday, Wednesday, Friday was the minimum posting schedule for the complete month.

I have also participated in a blog launch party. For this party, the blog owner posted every day for a month.  I could tell it was a lot of work. If she did not have a blogger scheduled, she had to fill-in for that day.

Once you set your posting schedule, commit to the schedule for the duration of your blog party.

Invite Guest Bloggers

Part of the fun in a blog party is getting to know other bloggers. Invite bloggers to join your blog party and share a guest post.

How do you find guest bloggers? You can invite your blogging friends personally, you can choose a few of your favorite Facebook groups and send out a request for guest bloggers, and you could email your list to see if any bloggers on your list would like to join.

Once you have the list of bloggers for your blog party, email them a clear list of your guest post guidelines (i.e. how many links can they include/promote to their blog, inbound/outbound links, the length of post, etc….).  Be sure to request bio information, a promo picture, and social media links. Don’t forget to request the posts 2-3 days early so you can set them up to post and have it ready on your scheduled post date.

Ask your guest bloggers when they would like to post. Start building the schedule. Once you have all the dates set, send a Google document or schedule so everyone has the posting schedule and due dates.

You should personally plan to post for the launch date and close date, and any dates not selected by your guest bloggers. Also, be prepared with an extra post or two in case one of your guest bloggers forget to send their post or it’s a day or two late.

Recommended for you: 10 Ways to Build Relationships with Other Bloggers

Create a Promotion Plan and Landing Page

Now, that you have the guest bloggers and schedule, start planning your promotions. Each time a post goes live, you will want to share it with your email list, post it on Facebook and Pinterest, share it on Twitter and Stumble it.  Google Plus is also a good option to promote new blog posts.

Before the start of your party, create a landing page for your blog party.  A landing page is a place where you can share all your posts on the same topic. Here’s an example of my back to school landing page. I had a few back to school posts before the blog party, so I started the page with those posts, and updated with the new posts each time a new post was added to the blog party.

Once your blog party starts, keep promoting. Even after the party is over, the promotion should continue. Keep sharing your posts on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.

Make It Happen

It’s time to act.  You love the idea of a blog party and working with other bloggers.  Now, it’s time to make it happen.

Every blogger you invite to join your party will probably not accept your offer, that’s okay. Many bloggers will be excited to guest post on your blog. Don’t be discouraged.  Don’t be afraid to ask.

Are you ready to rock your blog with an awesome blog party? Let’s get started.  Choose your blog party theme and set a posting schedule. Then invite some guest bloggers and make a promotion plan.

Your turn…

Have you had a blog party on your blog? What was the theme for your blog party? If you are going to plan a blog party, what theme would you have for your blog party?

Until next time be smart

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