Celebrate Teachers Today

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Celebrate teachers

Do you remember a special teacher from school and the impact they made on your life?  What made this teacher different?  What stands out to you about this special teacher?  Today is a day to celebrate and thank all teachers for the dedication and time they give to teaching us and our children.

Every May on the first Tuesday (in the first full week of the May) we celebrate National Teacher Day.  A day to celebrate and thank teachers for all their hard work and dedication in teaching us and our children.  Often it’s not until we have children of our own do we start to see and understand the full impact teachers have on our lives and our children’s lives.

How Teachers Impact Our Lives

They teach us discipline

Who wants to spend time memorizing math facts, all 50 states and capitals or all the Presidents of the United States in order?  Learning these basic facts become the pegs we build deeper knowledge and understanding.  Teachers give us discipline to learn these important basic foundations upon which we build our future knowledge.

They help us understand perspective

Teachers help us study history, science, and math, and we start to understand the vastness of God and the knowledge in the universe.  We are a small part of history, the advances of science and our continued understanding of math.  These studies help us understand that our problems and worries of today are only a small part of God’s plan larger plan and His control and providence in all things.

They inspire us

When I think of the most memorable and influential teachers in my life, I remember teachers who inspired me.  Teachers who pushed me to do more and be more than I thought I could be.  Teachers who expected me to go beyond the limits I set for myself because they knew I could do better.

Today we celebrate teachers

As I look back at my education, I think of many wonderful teachers who helped me gain knowledge and skills during my educational years.

For all their sacrifices, hard work and dedication, we thank teachers today.  For all the days, they patiently re-explained the geometry problem until you understood or helped you with your writing your term paper, we remember and we thank you.

Celebrate all the teachers in your life and the impact they made in your life today.

What teacher do you celebrate today?  How did they impact your life?



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