Being a mom isn't easy. Free video series

For the Days When Being a Mom Isn’t Easy…And You Want a Do Over

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 Encouragement for the Hard Days {Free Video Series}

Psst…. I want to share a secret with you.  It’s a secret just for moms. We all have days that just don’t go as planned. Yesterday was Monday.  I was trying to get the kids out to school (and not be tardy) and get to work.  My son was just taking his time as if he had all day to get ready.  It just seemed now matter how many reminders I gave no one was going to get ready on time.

We made it to school on time (barely).  And everyone was off to school for the day and I went to work.

After dinner, it was time for homework.  My middle daughter successfully made 30 minutes of homework take at least 2 hours to complete.  She would not stay on task, she was distracted, she had to water the plants, any excuse not to do the homework.

Then it was bed time!  Children have so many excuses to not go to sleep.  Don’t they ever get tired?  Mom is tired.

On these days, I am pretty sure I don’t win any awards for “the Most Patient and Gentle Mommy”.  Do you ever have these kind of days?

These days can be frustrating and stressful.  Sometimes it feels like they happen too frequently.

If this sounds even remotely familiar, you need to remember:

  1. You are not alone. Most of us have challenging days more than we ever admit.
  2. Even when it seems like your day (and your kids) are out of control.  You are not failing as a mom. It’s just not true. You’re doing better than you think.

I’ve had these sorts of days myself, and it’s exactly because I get it that I’m so excited to share with you this brand new (and free!) video series created by two moms who have lived their fair share of #momfail days.

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Stephanie and Beth are not only bloggers, but they’re also moms in the trenches. They’ve got 8 kids and almost 20 years of mothering experience between them.

They also understand and have the deepest compassion for moms who are working hard, but still hitting the pillow at night with a heavy heart and tear-stained face, because they feel like they’re failing at one of the most important things they’ll ever do in their lives.

And so they’ve put together an honest, candid and incredibly encouraging series of three videos just for moms. It’s called “The Truth About #MomFail Culture: 10 Things You Need to Hear on the Hard Days”.

It won’t solve all your problems, and much as they wish they could, they can’t reach through the computer and fold that pile’o’laundry for you. But we can all benefit from a fresh perspective and encouragement from someone who really gets it.

Each video is short – around 10 minutes, and you can watch it on any sort of device and whenever you’ve got a few spare minutes.

To watch the video series, just click this link and enter your name and email to sign up. You’ll get access to the first video today, and then one per day after that.

Hope you enjoy the videos! Remember, mom, you are awesome!

Until next time be smart

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  1. I’m sure every Mom has those days. I know I sure do! It’s nice to hear we aren’t alone. And you are so right – my kids (while they sometimes try my patience to the point of yelling) are happy, healthy and wonderful kids. Us Moms really can be doing it so right, but have #momfail days too…

    Visiting from #ThisIsHowWeRoll!


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