Declutteryour life: clean the master bathroom

How to Declutter Your Master Bathroom

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Clean Out the Clutter in the Master Bathroom

It’s week 2 of Declutter Your Life and we are continuing to work in our master bedroom/bathroom.  Last week, we started with decluttering the master closet.  This week, we will focus on decluttering your master bathroom.

Since the master bedroom/bathroom is a central part of your home (and is probably where you leave most of your clutter), we started our year of decluttering cleaning out the master bedroom closet last week.  Our challenge this week is to declutter the master bathroom.

Declutter your life: your master bathroom. It's week 2 of declutter your life. We will be decluttering your master bathroom.


Note: I initially thought these tasks could be completed in 30 minutes to one hour, but so far all of my tasks have taken at least 2 hours (maybe that says I have way too clutter?).  I have filled the trash cans to overflowing twice since I started this decluttering project and sent several boxes full of items to charities for donations.

3 Simple Declutter Rules

  1. Accept you cannot keep everything and you have to let things that are not used or that are no longer useful to you go.
  2. If you don’t use it,  get rid of it (i.e. you have not used in 6 months or 12 months), it’s time for it to leave your house.  (I do make an exception with clothes for myself as weight/sizes can vary).
  3. When possible use baskets, tubs, cases, you already have in your house to organize.  Sometimes this repurposing will take some creative thinking (and/or moving furniture), but most of the time you don’t need to purchase more “storage” products, you just need to repurpose the storage items you have.

Start with the Counter Top

To declutter my bathroom, I took a long look at the counter top and noticed I had many “nice to have” items out all over the counter, but many of them I do not use every day and therefore, they really don’t need to be out on the counter.

The counter top must be neat, and fewer items is better.  But…. I also like to have items I use every day like my flat iron, hair spray, hair brush, tooth brush, (you get the idea) in an easy to reach place and not taking them out of the cabinet every day.  If you prefer a totally clean counter top or have a small bathroom counter, you will need to create storage under you counter.

The goal with this task is to remove the unused and unnecessary items from your counter so you have a clean neat counter and get-ready space every day.  Remember, just keep the essentials on the countertop.

Toss or Donate Unused Samples

After you clean the counter top and organize all the essentials, let’s look at your drawers.  Do you have a drawer or two filled with samples you have requested in the mail or received in department stores?  Maybe you really intended to try these products and use these samples, but once they landed in “the drawer” you forgot about them.

When I started purging my “drawers”, I found items had leaked and spilled.  What a mess!  I looked at every item in every drawer and decided what to keep and what to toss.  I tossed many samples.  Some samples I thought I would like, but didn’t.  Some of the samples were too old.

Before you toss all your samples, if you have some that were never opened or used, you could donate them to a homeless shelter.  These items can be a blessing to those in need.

Throw Out Expired Make-up and Worn Towels

Don’t forget to check all your make-up.  Did you know make-up actually has an expire date?  Most make-up expires between 12-24 months of the first time it’s used.  So, if you find make-up that you have kept from 2005, it’s time to toss it!  It’s especially important to toss your old mascara because the tube can get bacteria and cause eye irritations and infections.

Once you get to under the cabinet, throw out any old and worn out wash clothes and towels.  If they have a hole, it’s time for them to go.  Also, toss anything with mildew unless you can remove the mildew spots.

Re-organize the Cabinets and Drawers

Now that you have removed all the junk and tossed the trash, it’s time to reorganize what you are keeping.   You may find it’s helpful to put items in containers and baskets to keep them neat under the counter and in your drawers.

Consider if you move or rearrange some things (hair brushes, flat irons, small appliances), if your bathroom space could be more useful and clutter-free.

Let’s get started.  Clear your countertops.  Toss out the unused samples.  Throw out expired make-up and worn out towels.  Then organize your space.

Your turn…

What extra and unused items are cluttering your master bathroom?  How will you better organize your bathroom space to be more useful every day?

Next week, we will work on getting the clutter out of your master bedroom.

Until next time be smart

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