Dwelling places book review and blog tour

Dwelling Places by Lucinda Secrest McDowell: Blog Tour and Giveaway

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Dwelling Places Daily Devotional

In her new devotional, Dwelling Places: Words to Live in Every Season, Lucinda Secrest McDowell shows us God’s presence and grace in our lives during each season.  Each daily reading gives you a little inspiration for your day focusing on one simple word or concept and applying it to your daily life.

Note: I would like to thank Lucinda Secrest McDowell and the Litfuse Publicity Group for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions in this post are my own.  This post may include affiliate links, read my disclosure policy here.

Dwelling places. Words to live by in every season of life.

Dwelling Places draws our focus on dwelling with God in our everyday life. The books asks us to consider how can we dwell closer to Him and be more in His presence each day.  The book is divided into 4 sections representative of the 4 seasons.  Each section (season) has about 30-40 readings.  Lucinda writes with a very friendly style and you will enjoy her personal stories and anecdotes that bring life to each reading.

I focused on reading the Summer passages for this review of Dwelling Places. The summer themes include grow, children, rooted, community, fruit, shade, transformed and many more.  As your read through this section, you will be uplifted by the focus on the words and themes of summer.

Summer is a time for plants and seeds to grow and thrive. Just as when we are in the summer of our life, we too will be growing in grace each day as we learn to experience God’s presence.

Learn to dwell in the presence of god in dwelling places.

Each reading is short and filled with encouragement.  You can easily read a passage for the day in about 5 minutes, but you will have a Bible verse to focus on and a personal story or example to illustrate the verse and concept being taught to consider and dwell on throughout the day.

I love how Lucinda wrote each section and choose words to fit each season.  These themes could fit the actual season or also your season of life.  For example, maybe you are in a summer or growing season or a season of fall when you need to be calm, rest, and be peaceful.


Don’t Miss the Giveaway

To celebrate the release of Dwelling Places, you can enter this awesome giveaway.  The giveaway is open from June 21st to July 5th.  Be sure to enter the giveaway today.

Your turn…

What is your current season of life? What is your favorite quiet time to dwell with God?

Until next time be smart

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    1. Hi Lucinda, thanks for writing this great book devotional book that will be a help to so many women. I have really enjoyed reading it.

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