Pet gifts | gifts for pets

Gifts for Pets

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Gifts Your Pets Will Love

Pets bring a special joy to life.  They greet us with a happy bark or a sweet meow when we come home or get up in the morning.  They have a special language that we can understand (sort of).  Most pets are loyal friends to our family. As a member of our family, we want to include our furry family members in Christmas too.  Today, I’m sharing gift ideas for pets.

Gifts for pets | pet gifts


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Maybe I’m silly, but I always like to include our pets in family Christmas gifts.  Our pets are part of our family.  Pet gifts don’t have to be expensive or elaborate.  Just a simple gift that shows your pet how much you love them.

Simple Gift Ideas for Pets

A Pet Bed

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Many pets like having their place to sleep and rest (and you prefer them to sleep on the pet bed and not your couch).  A new pet bed makes a cozy and comfy gift for your dog or cat.

Chew Toys for Dogs

Dogs love to chew.  Give them some new and fun chewy toys to enjoy.  Have you ever watched a dog with a new chew toy?  They just won’t let them go, some dogs will chew them for hours.

Bergan Cat Scratcher Toy

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We had one of these toys for our cat.  Our cat would chase the ball around the circle for hours.  She just loved playing with the ball in this cat toy.  It’s a great exercise and thinking toy for cats.

Pet Sweater

Keep your pet warm and looking cute with a pet sweater (they even have a few styles for cats).

You might also like: 24 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas

Pet Treats

Our cat would love a year’s supply of cat treats.  Every morning when we get up, the first thing she asks for (in her cute kitty language) is cat treats.  She expects to get a few every morning.  I think she even knows what time we get up (she’d probably wake us if we slept in too late).

Treats for Cats

Treats for Dogs

Organic Pet Grass for Cats

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Cats love to eat grass.  You can grow them some grass right in your home.  Ir? T=smamomsmaide 20&l=li2&o=1&a=b01i5xhwi6

Pet Stockings

Pet Stockings are pre-filled with treats and goodies your cat or dog will love.  Choose a stocking filled with your pets favorite treats.

Your turn…

Do you buy a gift for your pet?  What gift does your pet love?

Until next time be smart

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