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Grow and Strengthen Your Family’s Faith

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2 Books to Grow Your Family’s Faith

This week I am reviewing  Shaken by Tim Tebow and Cold Case Christianity for Kids by J. Warner Wallace and Susie Wallace.  Both books emphasize growing your faith and knowing you can trust God.  Through each of these books, we get a better understanding of who God is.  In Cold Case Christianity for Kids, our questions about if Jesus was a real person and if we can trust God’s Word are addressed.  In Shaken, through the life example of Tim Tebow, we see him and others living out their faith every day.

Looking for ways to grow your family's faith? Cold case christianity and shaken are 2 books that will encourage and grow your family's faith.

Note: I would like to thank The Litfuse Group for providing me a copy of Cold Case Christianity for Kids to review and Penguin Random House for providing me a copy of Shaken to review.  All opinions here are my own.  For your convenience, I have included affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

As parents, we need tools to help our children’s faith grow.  Books are a great tool you can share and read together as a family.  I am excited to recommend both of these books, Shaken and Cold-Case Christianity for Kids.

Shaken by Tim Tebow

You might be surprised to find out that Shaken: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Storms is not a memoir.  In the book, Tim Tebow uses examples from his life to show how they have shaped and grown his faith.  Throughout the book, he stays true to his faith and emphasizes that you can always trust God even when it doesn’t seem like God’s plan is what you expected.

Tebow book

The book opens as Tim’s football career is ending.  He shares honestly and candidly about the disappointment he felt when he was cut from the New England Patriots.  But also shares how he trusted God to have a purpose and plan, even though God’s plan was not the plan he expected.

For teens and young adults, I thought this book is very encouraging and inspiring.  As teen graduating high school and starting college or making plans for their adult life, sometimes life doesn’t work out as we expected.  But we can be assured that God is still working and has not left us.  Disappointment is hard, and I love how this book tells us there is a bigger purpose for us.

I also appreciate that a person with Tim Tebow’s reputation and who is always watched by the media was willing to write so openly and candidly about his faith and how God was working in his life.

I recommend Shaken for all fans of Tim Tebow, teens, and young adults and family’s.  It’s a great book that everyone can enjoy and benefit from reading.

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids: Investigate Jesus with a Real Detective is a fun book for 8-12-year-olds to solidify their faith and belief in the truth of Jesus (as a person, the resurrection, etc…).  The book is written from the perspective that the reader is learning to be a detective and how to examine the evidence.

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids shows children the questions about who Jesus is and how the Bible must be true.  Some of the questions discussed are:

  • Knowing the right evidence
  • Understanding witnesses
  • Making sure no one has changed the evidence
  • Why lies are hard to keep
  • And more…

Your children will enjoy this book and the “investigation” process.  They can join the Free Cadet Academy as a companion to the book. By the end, they will learn the truth and the evidence all points us to trusting the Bible and placing our faith in Jesus.

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids is a great book for children who have not been exposed to the truth of Christianity or who have doubts about Christianity, it shows them clear evidence to support the Bible and Jesus.  It’s also a perfect book for children who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour because it confirms their belief and gives them evidence to support their faith.

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids has a giveaway you will want to enter that includes a copy of the book, a Kindle Fire and a shock proof case.  Click the picture below for more details.



Both of these books would definitely make a great addition to your family library and grow your family’s faith.

Your turn…

Does your family read Christian books?  What are some of your favorite books to grow your family’s faith?

Until next time be smart

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  1. Hi
    Those look very interesting. I put my name in for the cold Case Christianity but can’t find anywhere to try for the Shaken book. I would love to win that one too.

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