3 Easy Home Cleaning Methods
Home Cleaning Style
Do you have a home cleaning personality? Do you have a way that you like to clean your home? Maybe it’s just me, but I follow the same routine every week, every time I clean my home. When I vacuum the house I start in the same place and go through the house going from room to room in the same pattern every time. When I dust and mop, I also follow a cleaning pattern. Do you?
Most of us want to live in a beautifully clean home, but ….. We don’t enjoy the cleaning part. We look at the beautiful pictures on Pinterest and in magazines. Homes that are amazingly clean, and it seem perfectly clean all the time (does anyone really live in these homes?)
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Cleaning Preparation
When deciding your weekly cleaning routine, consider a few things. First, keep your weekly routine simple (add in a few deeper cleaning projects when needed like cleaning a closet or updating your kitchen pantry). Second, have all the supplies you need readily available. I use a carry size toolbox to keep all my supplies. When I start cleaning, I just grab my toolbox and I have everything I need with me to get the job done.
When it comes to cleaning your home, there seem to be 3 styles or personalities for cleaning. Which one are you?
3 Home Cleaning Personalities
Passion for Cleaning – Do It All at One Time
For many years, I always cleaned my house on Saturday morning. I would vacuum, dust, clean bathrooms and the kitchen taking most of my Saturday morning to complete these tasks. It would take most of Saturday morning to complete all the chores. If you love to clean or you love the feeling of having your complete home clean at one time, the do it all at one time cleaning method is for you.
But I struggled with this cleaning method because I would get tired and could not stay focused (because I really don’t like house cleaning). I did not have the passion for cleaning needed to do a whirlwind cleaning all in one day.
A Little Every Day – One Chore a Day
Then, I heard about doing just one chore a day (about 15-30 minutes) and I could have all my chores done at the end of the week.
When I did One Chore a Day, I was very disciplined. I would get up at 6:00 am and complete my chore before I would go to work. On Monday-Friday, I had a set chore to complete (mop floors, clean bathrooms, vacuum). If you missed a day, you could make it up the next day.
I liked this format much better than the Saturday morning marathon of chores. It was also nice to complete a simple task early in the morning. If you don’t like doing chores and house cleaning, you may love this method because all your chores are divided over 5-7 days. I divided all my chores into 5 days (Monday-Friday) and I would take Saturday and Sunday off.
Let’s Get this Done (chores divided 2x times a week)
At the beginning of this year, I started doing my chores on 2 nights a week and my children help. We spend about 30-40 minutes on each night cleaning. I divided all the weekly chores into 2 lists and also divided them so they would take about the same amount of time each night.
This is my favorite cleaning format so far because I don’t have to do chores all morning on Saturday, I don’t have to do chores every day, and it’s only a minimum of time when we do work and the house gets cleaned every week.
With the daily cleaning method or 2x a week cleaning, if you miss a day, it’s not the end of the world. You can make it up the next day or next week.
There you have it, 3 easy cleaning methods. You can clean your house in a marathon once a week, you can do a little every day, or divide the chores and conquer on 2 days a week.
Your turn…
How do you complete your house cleaning? What method works best for you?
I like the way you have singled them out. Nice!
Hi Becky, I am not a fan of cleaning. I have tried all 3 ways. I think each way works better depending on the person and their personality.
The method that works best for me is my cleaning lady. Bwahahaha! 🙂
Seriously, I super dislike cleaning. My cleaning lady comes in every other week and does all the deep cleaning, we just do the maintenance in between.
I totally know that this is a luxury and it’s one I’m enjoying in this season. However, this post in fantastic, you make it very manageable and obtainable with your suggestions. I love how you matched the personalities to it. Thank you so much for linking up with FTAF. 🙂
I would love to have a cleaning lady, too. Maybe someday. I have tried all 3 of the cleaning styles mentioned – I do think your personality plays a part in which method works best for you.