Stop settling for overwhelmed - is your to do list too long? Do you have too little time for the things you love? Live a life you love - the stop settling for overwhelmed 10- day email course will help you.

How to Find Joy in Life’s Chaos

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Stop settling for overwhelmed kaysepratt. Com

Are You Too Busy?  Feeling Overwhelmed?

Is your to-do list too long?  Do you have difficulty deciding what “must be done”, what “should be done” and finding time for the things you love to do?  If you are like most Mom’s, life is too busy. You need breathing room and a way to Stop Settling for Overwhelmed.

The Stop Settling for Overwhelmed 10-day email course will help you find your way.  Kayse Pratt will speak to your heart as she guides you through this course.  Each day you will have a short devotional and guidance and workbook page to help you better understand your life and see where you can find the margin to Stop Settling for Overwhelmed  and learn how you can enjoy your life more.

One of the benefits, I gained from this course was learning to better manage my  long “to-do” list.   This course helped me define the must do’s, the should do’s and what I really love to do.  I also learned how to keep these lists more manageable.

The 10-day course includes a daily email with instructions and thoughtful insights and a workbook to help you complete each day’s assignments and focus on how you can Stop Settling for Overwhelmed.  Some of the days are easy and some are challenging (for me I had a difficult time on the day where we had to narrow our focus – I did not feel I could give up anything, but the course helped me see where I have margin and what is most important).

As part of the course, you also receive access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and share your ideas with others in the course and who are in a similar season of life.  The Facebook group was one of my favorites parts of the course – sharing with others and hearing their insights.

If you are a mom feeling like all of life overwhelms you, take the Stop Settling for Overwhelmed course and learn how you can find more time for all things you love in life.


Your Turn…

How are you enjoying your life?  How could you feel less overwhelmed and enjoy your life more?

Until next time be smart

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