How to Start a Bible Journaling Practice Today
Bible journaling can be a great way to better understand your own thoughts and feelings about the Bible and your faith. Bible journaling can also help you stay mindful and focused developing new understandings of Bible truths.
In this post, I’ll share with you how to start a Bible journaling practice.
What is Bible Journaling?
Faith journals often include questions that reflect the specific beliefs of the person writing them such as prayers, Bible verses, or affirmations. Bible journaling is often done as part of your daily Bible study routine. This helps keep the journal personal and spiritual, which is why they are so popular among Christians.
Some people prefer to keep their faith journals in digital form so they can share it with others or just save it for themselves. There are many different software available on today’s market to help you do this easily.
I would like to thank the Erin Condren team for sharing the new faith journal collection with me. All opinions in this post are my own. The links in this post are affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I’ll receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure policy here.
How Bible Journaling helps Spiritual Growth
Bible journaling is a tool for spiritual growth. It allows us to better understand ourselves and our purpose in life from a Biblical perspective.
Spiritual Journaling encourages us to be deeply honest with ourselves about our true feelings, thoughts, and emotions. This can be difficult if we are not used to being truthful about what we are really going through or feeling.
However, the more you write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, the less you will feel like they need to be suppressed or ignored. Journaling can provide a general sense of happiness within yourself and an increased sense of understanding of important Bible truths impacting your life.
Tips for Starting your Faith Journaling Practice
Bible journaling is a form of self-reflection that can be done on a daily basis, weekly basis, or as often as you like. It is not only about writing down what you are grateful for, but also what you are learning and how your faith is growing.
Keeping a spiritual journaling habit can help reduce stress and anxiety and it will give you the opportunity to reflect on your day as well as your feelings. When my husband passed away a few months ago, journaling helped me understand and reflect on my feelings. Many days I still write these feelings and thoughts.
Here are a few things to consider when getting started with a faith journal:
Choose a journal that will work for you. Erin Condren has released new faith journals. You can choose from the Daily Faith Christian journal that includes Bible verses throughout or the Daily Faith journal without the Bible verses. These journals a perfect for writing your thoughts daily in 10-15 minutes.
You might also like the Write the Word collection by Cultivate What Matters. These journals give you a passage to write each day and space to reflect and write about this Bible verse.
Choose pens that you enjoy writing with. If you don’t like your pens, you will be fussing with your pen, frustrated and not focused on writing your thoughts (I know, when I find a favorite pen, I keep it with my journal).
Write your deep and personal thoughts. Your spiritual journals are private for you. They don’t have to be shared with others. Let yourself struggle and work through the good and the bad. In the end, you will have deeper insights about God, your faith and yourself.
You might also like: Bible Journaling Ideas and 20 Bible Journaling Prompts
Tips for Keeping a Faith Journal Successfully
Keeping a faith journal can be a rewarding experience that helps to strengthen your faith and find meaning in difficult times. It is important to keep the journal for the right reasons and with the right attitude.
Some people find it helpful to pick up a Bible quote or prayer they like, write it down, and explore how it might apply to their life. Others might meditate on a favorite Bible verse or write about how God’s love has helped them in a specific situation.
Choose a set time and place for your daily Bible journaling. You are more likely to maintain your habit when you have a set time and place for faith journaling.
Keeping your faith journal is not always easy, but when you are disciplined about it, over time you will start to see the benefits that come from its practice.
Mistakes to Avoid in Your Faith Journaling Practices
Your journal is a place for you to vent, to rant, to feel heard and unburdened. It can be your most intimate confidant, your dearest friend. Keeping a faith journal is essential in our lives for self-reflection and remembering the things that matter the most in our lives.
Some common mistakes people make:
– Not documenting anything but personal feelings
– Not writing enough words in their entries, try to spend time with your thoughts and write at least a page or more
– The journal becomes all about what’s going wrong. Don’t forget to write down the good, the miracles, the answers to prayers
-You don’t make it personal, you just write basic and general thoughts. Dig deeper into your feelings and learn new insights about yourself.
How to Write a Personal Prayer in Your Faith Journal on a Daily Basis
Experienced journalers have a journal they write in on a daily basis. It is often a place where they write their thoughts and express themselves creatively. An important component of this journal is the prayer.
Here are some ideas for how to write a personal prayer in your faith journal:
Pray about what you wrote in your journal.
Pray about your day, what you did, and who you met with.
Pray about your needs, family needs, friends, and problems in the world (big or small).
Ask God to help you find the right words when writing.
As you write, pray the words out loud and make your requests known to God.
Bible journaling is an amazing way to grow your faith and help you gain new and deeper spiritual insights.
Find your favorite journal and start Bible journaling today.