How to teach your child multiplication tables

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The struggle to learn math facts

Memorize your math facts

Is your child learning their math facts in school?  Do your children struggle to complete basic math problems?  Are the struggles with math because your children do not have a basic memorization of their math facts?  For some children, math will always be a challenging subject, but memorizing math facts provides a foundation to move your children to higher level math learning.

When my children attended public school, memorization of math facts were not taught in class and math facts were not emphasized during homework.  Math homework focused on conceptual ideas which is fine as long as young children are also taught their math facts.  A foundation of math facts allows a person to complete basic math computations all their life (often without a calculator).

This year my children attend a private school that teaches traditional math (not common core, not confusing math).  Traditional math with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and a strong emphasis on memorizing math facts.  I have noticed that my oldest child (in 4th grade) continues to struggle with math facts (and therefore completing his math assignments and homework).

As my son gets older, it becomes essential that he memorize all his math facts.  We have worked for several years on memorizing his math facts, but they just have not reached the point of automaticity for him.  I am proposing a new plan to memorize math facts:

  • Drill.  Drilling math facts is a sure way to memorize them.  Weekly drill/review will help complete the memorization process.  I memorized math facts with the drilling process as a child and I can still repeat them 30 years later.
  • Flash cards.  Flashcards require quick thought and outside of the sequence response.  Drilling is a memorized response in sequence.  Flashcards test if memory is reaching an automatic response required for lifelong knowledge.
  • Speed drills.  Short timed tests, usually on paper, that test recall ability.  As memorization increases, ability to complete the drill will become faster.
  • Websites and applications.  Children love electronic devices and electronic applications.  Before the next game of Minecraft or Clash of Clans, spend 10 minutes practicing math facts.  A fun math app is Math Dual.  Two players see the math problem and the first one to respond with the right answer is the winner for the round.  To win the game, you must know the answer fast.
  • Board games that require math skills such as Monopoly or The Game of Life.  Growing up, I remember learning and practicing basic calculation skills playing board games.

How do you teach math facts?  Have you found other ways to help your children improve their math skills?

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