June Facts… Did you know…?

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June facts american history. Did you know...?

June American History Facts and Dates to Know

June Facts include many important dates in American history and world history with the signing of the Magna Carta.

Four states were added to the union in June:  Kentucky (June 1, 1792), Tennessee (June 1, 1796), and Arkansas (June 15, 1836) and West Virginia (June 20, 1863).

On June 1, 1813 during the War of 1812, Captain James Lawrence gives the order, “Don’t give up the ship!”  The quote becomes the rallying cry for the Navy.

June 3, 1539, Florida was claimed for Spain by De Soto.  Florida became the 27th state over 300 years later on March 1, 1845.

On June 3, 1864, General Robert E. Lee wins his last battle of the civil war at the Battle of Cold Harbor.

June 6, 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrest for attempting to vote.  At the time, women had not been given the right to vote.  Anthony worked for 50 years to have women given the right to voting.  Finally, in 1906 (after her death), Congress granted women the right to vote.

D-Day – June 6, 1944, the Allied forces led by American General Dwight Eisenhower invaded Normandy, France during World War II to begin the liberation of Europe from Nazi control.  The invasion at Normandy changed the course of World War II in Europe.

The Continental Congress adopted the American flag on June 14, 1777.  This date became known as Flag Day.  The flag adopted is the basic flag we still have today including 13 red and white stripes for each of the original colonies and a blue background in the upper left corner with one white star representing each current state.

On June 15, 1215, the Magna Carta was signed.  The signing of the Magna Carta changed the course of freedom for the last 800 years.  The rights contained in the Magna Carta had great impact on the American founders and American history.

On June 15, 1775, George Washington became the commander and chief of the Continental army.

June 18, 1812, the United States declared war on England (the War of 1812).

Congress adopted the Great Seal of the United States on June 20, 1782.

American inventors during the industrial age contributed many inventions that would improve life for many years into the future including the cotton gin and the reaper which reduced dependence on slaves, the sewing machine, and Thomas Edison’s light bulb.   Important invention milestones in June:

Eli Whitney applied for a patent for the cotton gin on June 20, 1793.

Cyrus McCormick received a patent for the reaper on June 21, 1834.  The reaper helped harvest wheat.

For additional reading on American history, The American Patriot’s Almanac: Daily Readings on AmericaIr? T=smamomsmaide 20&l=as2&o=1&a=b004ehzqxg is a great resource.

What are American history events do you remember that happened in June?

Until next time Be Smart,

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