How to make christmas magic. Simple secrets to make christmas memories.

How to Make Christmas Magic: 5 Simple Secrets for Amazing Christmas Memories

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Sweet Christmas Memories

What do you think of when I ask about your favorite Christmas memories? When you were growing up, did your family have Christmas traditions every year? Christmas memories should be sweet memories of special times with family and friends that make Christmas magic.  You can make Christmas magic with these 5 ideas that will make Christmas unforgettable and Christmas memories that last a lifetime.

How to make christmas magic. Try these 5 simple secrets to make christmas traditions and christmas memories with your family. #smartmomsmartideas, #christmas, #christmasmagic, #christmastraditions

Christmas is a magical time of year, especially for children.  When our children are little, they enjoy the stories and Santa Claus and annual Christmas specials, as they grow older they begin to understand the true meaning of Christmas. To make Christmas magic, start this Christmas season making lasting Christmas memories with your family through annual Christmas activities and Christmas traditions.

5 Ways to Make Christmas Magic and Memories

Christmas Traditions

Growing up, we had a few Christmas traditions.  We usually opened a few gifts on Christmas Eve.  We also celebrated Christmas with my Mom’s family at a Christmas party on Christmas Eve.  We would get to see extended family (aunts, uncles, and cousins).  It was always one of my favorite parts of Christmas.

With my own children, we also open a few gifts on Christmas Eve.  We have also started going to the annual Walk Through Bethlehem at one of our local churches. I think we have done the annual Walk Through Bethlehem event for over 10 years now.

Christmas traditions make Christmas memorable.  If you don’t have any Christmas traditions, think about what you loved about Christmas as a child and start a few traditions this year with your family.

You might also enjoy: 10 Christmas Traditions to Make Your Christmas Memorable

Be sure to Include Family & Friends

Christmas is always more special when family and friends are included. Some of my favorite childhood memories of Christmas include our Christmas parties with extended family. I remember how I always looked forward to the annual Christmas Eve party.

There are so many ways you can include family and friends at Christmas.  For example, we always invite grandparents and aunts and uncles to join us when we go to Walk Through Bethlehem.

You could also create simple traditions like a cookie and hot cocoa/hot cider night or go Christmas caroling together.

What Christmas activities will you do with family and friends this year?

Encourage the Spirit of Christmas Giving

Christmas is about giving. We can make Christmas memorable by getting our children involved in the spirit of giving. We can shop for gifts to share with others.  We can spend a day making cookies and pies and share with neighbors, friends, and shut-ins.

We can encourage our children to come up with ideas to share with others too.

Join in Christmas Caroling & Candlelight Services

Every year our children go Christmas caroling as a school field trip to local nursing homes.  It’s a great time for them to share the Christmas spirit with others.  You can also gather friends and family and walk around your neighborhood singing carols.  Maybe you could sing at a local shopping center.  Christmas carols are a great way to share the Christmas spirit.

I love Christmas Eve candlelight services.  You get to see friends and sing Christmas carols softly.  Going to an annual Christmas Eve service is a great tradition to start with your children and hopefully, they will pass down to their children.

Make it Fun

You make memories by making Christmas fun.  Try not to over-schedule your holiday.  Relax and enjoy your time with family and friends.  These are specials times we only get once a year.

Remember, take lots of pictures of all your wonderful Christmas memories, too.

For more ideas to make Christmas memories and traditions, Magical Christmas will give you 100 Christmas activities, Christmas traditions, and recipes you can try to make Christmas memories.  It’s a book filled with:

  • Christmas activities
  • Christmas traditions
  • Christmas Bible readings
  • and much more…

Magical christmas - 100 christmas activities, christmas traditions to make christmas magical

Don’t miss the joy of Christmas for you and your family with the fun Christmas activities you can do together that will make many wonderful Christmas memories that last a lifetime.

Get your copy of Magical Christmas today.

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How will your make Christmas memories this year? What Christmas traditions do you have?

Until next time be smart







How do you make christmas memories? Do you have special memories of christmas growing up? Make new christmas memories this year with these ideas.

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