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How to Make Over Your Day

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Do Some Days Just Need A Make Over?

Life as mom has constant demands.   Some days can feel very busy and overwhelming meeting all the needs of our family and children. I have come to realize the success of my day depends on how well I start my day and how I finish my day.  I have learned the secrets to making over my day for success.  You can make over your day too!

I live by routines. My routines make all the difference in keeping my day focused and on target.  I am such a routine person, I really get frustrated when my routine gets changed (trust me I can be grouchier than a two-year-old that missed their afternoon nap if my routine gets changed).  What makes my routines work?  A plan for the morning and a plan for the evening.

Is it time to make over your day? Do you struggle with day to day activities and just getting your priorities done? Learn how you can make over your day for success.

Note: this post includes affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

When you have a plan for your morning, you don’t just stumble out of bed.  You know what you are planning to do. You know your priorities.  You don’t waste the precious morning hours on things that don’t matter.  When you have a plan for the evening, you prep and plan for tomorrow and take time for rest and family.  A morning plan and an evening plan are the secret to making your day over into a success.

Why I Love Make Over Your Mornings

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Until this year, I have never been a morning person.  I struggled to get out of bed on time and get the day started.  Now, I get up early (5:00 am) and before I go to work, I have already accomplished many important tasks. It’s a great way to start you day.

In Make Over Your Mornings, I learned how to get my morning started right by:

  • Setting my priorities (I am still working on staying focused on the top priorities when I have limited time)
  • Using routines to reduce decisions (so helpful)
  • Creating a plan that will motivate you (do you love to exercise in the morning or have quiet reading and journal time – do what you love)
  • Learn to make your goals manageable (recognize what you can do, and what you can’t do)
  • And so many more helpful tips….

I loved learning to design a morning routine that I could do and be successful.  Since completing this course, I have gotten so much more than I ever thought possible done in the mornings and you can too.

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Why I Love Make Over Your Evenings

Make over your

Before Make Over Your Evenings, I had a good evening routine.  We would have family dinner, do homework, make lunches, get ready for tomorrow and if there was any time left, relax.  Make Over Your Evenings helped me adjust my evening plan and make it more purposeful so I could accomplish more and most importantly be ready to make tomorrow a success.

In Make Over Your Evenings, I refined my evening routine by:

  • Planning my day the night before
  • Preparing for tomorrow (make lunches, set 0ut clothes)
  • Don’t try to do too much
  • Get enough sleep (I like to get 7 hours to feel rested, so I make sure I go to bed early)

A smooth evening routine allows me to unwind and bring today to a close and get ready for tomorrow.  Give yourself rest.

Remember, these courses are for busy moms like us.   Each lesson only takes 15 minutes a day.

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Your turn…

Do you need to make over your day with a new morning and evening routine?  What will you change to make your day a success?

Until next time be smart

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  1. By experience, I know that somewhat planning you day makes THE difference! I used to feel to overwhelmed in bed, thinking about all the things I’d have to do the next day, only to discover that once I make a list not everything needs to be accomplish that day.

    You can use a fancy agenda, or a simple scrap paper… just put it down in writing, and simply decide what NEEDS to be today, and what can be done tomorrow!

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