May History and Fun Facts

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May history and fun facts

Do you enjoy the month of May?  Spring has warmed all the cold away and melted the snow of winter.  Flowers are in full bloom, birds are chirping.  Soon, it will be summer.

May has many notable holidays and celebrations including May Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother’s Day and Memorial Day.  Fun sporting events every May include the Indianapolis 500 and the Kentucky Derby, held on the first Saturday of May.

The Romans called this month Maius after a Greek god.  The name changed over time and eventually became May during the 1400’s.

May is the fifth month of the year; the third and last month of spring.

The birthstone for the month of May is an emerald.

The flower for the month of May is the Lily of the Valley.

In the UK, May is National Smile month.

In the US, the last week of May is library and information week.

May Dates to Remember

May 1st – May Day.  This holiday is a traditional celebration of spring in many cultures.

May 1, 1931, the Empire State Building was officially opened.

May 5thNational Teacher Day.  Remember all the teachers in your life.  We honor school teachers, but also parents, grandparents, and other mentors in our lives.

May 5th – Cinco de Mayo – a  celebration of the day Mexico defeated the French in the Franco-Mexican War.  It’s also a day America celebrates Mexico’s history.

May 6th – International No Diet Day.  A day to celebrate no diets?

May 10thMother’s Day.   A special day to remember all mothers.

May 12th – Kite Day.  Let’s all go fly our kites today!

May 15, 1918, regular air mail service began in the United States.

May 16th – Armed Forces Day.   A day that recognizes all members currently serving on active duty in the military.  We should all be thankful for those willing to serve and defend our country.

May 25th – Memorial Day.  A solemn day to remember those who have given their lives defending our country and our freedoms.

May 27, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge was opened in San Francisco.

May 31st – Trinity Sunday.  A day that celebrates the Christian belief in the Trinity (God is 3 distinct persons – The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit).

What are your favorite facts about May?  What are your favorite historical dates in May?

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