Devotions for moms | rest for moms

Review: 365 Devotions for Finding Rest

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Encouragement for Rest

One of the biggest challenges of being a mom is always feeling we need rest.  I remember when my children were babies and toddlers and did not sleep well and I was so tired all the time (it seemed like being tired was normal).  Now, my kids are older I’m not as tired, but the work continues, right?  It’s hard for moms to find rest.  365 Devotions for Finding Rest is a welcome encouragement for tired and overwhelmed moms.

Devotional readings | encouraging readings for moms | rest for moms

Note: I would like to thank BookLook Bloggers for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions here are my own.  This post includes affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

365 Devotions for Finding Rest is an encouraging and inspiring read for moms. I loved all the ideas Christina Vinson shared to help moms rest.  You will find many ideas for actions you can do to rest, and also ideas for things you can stop (sometimes we forget it’s all the things we add to our day that make us so tired).

If you find you are overwhelmed and tired, Christina Vinson will give you encouraging words that let you know it’s okay to say no, it’s okay not to do everything you are asked, you can enjoy the peace and rest God gives you each day.

365 Devotions for Finding Rest will help you see new and simple ways you can rest each day.  As you read each devotional, you will feel your burdens start to be lighter.

You might also enjoy these devotionals:

Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk (one of my favorites)

ScriptureDoodle: God’s Promises A Six-Week Devotional by April Knight

5 Minutes with Jesus: A Fresh Infusion of Jesus by Sheila Walsh and Sherri Gragg

Dwelling Places: Words to Live by In Every Season by Lucinda Secrest McDowell

40 Days of Joyful Motherhood: Devotions and Coloring Book to Nourish Moms by Sarah Humphrey

Your turn…

What’s your favorite devotional for moms?

Until next time be smart


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One Comment

  1. This is great! It’s exactly what I need. As a mom, I’m always going. It’s important for me to find time to rest. A devotional is a fabulous way to find that rest time. I made time for devotionals before kids, but rarely have time now. Thanks for the reminder!

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