Goodnight baby animals | reading | bedtime stories

Review: Goodnight Baby Animals You’ve Had a Busy Day + Giveaway

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A Delightful Bedtime Story

Goodnight Baby Animals You’ve Had a Busy Day is a beautifully illustrated storybook for toddlers and early readers.  You and your children will enjoy reading these bedtime stories over and over again each night at bedtime.

Goodnight baby animals | reading | bedtime stories

Note: I would like to thank the publisher for providing me a review copy of this book. All opinions in this post are my own. This post includes affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

Goodnight Baby Animals You’ve Had a Busy Day is a collection of 6 short stories. Each night you and your child can read about the adventures of a baby tiger, baby elephant, baby giraffe, baby rhino, baby panda and baby gorilla.  Each story is the perfect length for a bedtime story.

This book is written to help your early readers with repetitive words, easy to sound out words, and colorful pictures that illustrate each story.

All the stories are so cute, I found it hard to pick a favorite story (they are all so delightful), but if I have to pick a favorite I liked the baby tiger story best.  It was so cute with all the playful activities of the baby tigers.  You will want to read the stories again and again.

The soft colors and sweet stories will help your child relax and prepare for sleep.  As the baby animals go to sleep each night, your little one will be ready to drift off to sleep and have sweet dreams, too.

Giveaway – One Free Copy of the Book Available

I am excited to share that I can give one lucky reader a Free copy of Goodnight Baby Animals through this giveaway.  You can enter the giveaway below.  Don’t wait to Enter – the giveaway ends on February 1st.

Note: the giveaway is only open for US and Canadian Residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Your turn…

What’s your favorite bedtime story?

Until next time be smart

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What to read next...


  1. I have had sick kids one with Cancer one with a heart transplant so mine has been medical and it really keeps us busy.

  2. My biggest concern is if I’m being there enough for my daughter’s & that they know right from wrong.

  3. My biggest concern helping to raise my grandchildren is to teach them character, kindness and the Bible when there is so much hate in the world. Thanks!

  4. with a new baby, she is so different from my first child. she is harder to please. she’s fussy a lot of the time and i am struggling with being able to really enjoy her because it’s just so hard. i hope that’s not too ‘real’ of a response. it’s just where i am at right now.

  5. Right now we are concerned about getting our little 2 year old to sleep through the night and with keeping him healthy with all the winter “bugs” going around.

  6. There is so much. I think I worry about everything, especially with the way the world is now. I always wonder how it will be when she gets older.

  7. Everything. I overthink and over-analyze everything I constantly doubt myself and whether I’m doing good enough when in reality I’m probably doing just fine judging by the fact that my children are kind and inclusive.

  8. My biggest concern is raising children who be good people, contributing to society and making this world a better place in their own way.

  9. My biggest concern as a parent is pollution in my childrens food, air, water, etc. They are accumulating poisons and checmicals in their bodies from day one!

  10. That i don’t do enough even if I’m told i do way to much 😉 but is that not what being a parent is all about ?

  11. My biggest challenge is parenting in a 2 parent marriage, with a 1 full-time parent household, 1 part-time parent household. With my husband’s work, he is only home a week or so every couple months and although we value every moment with him, it throws off my toddler’s attitude and routine so greatly. It is a very big challenge.

  12. My biggest concern has always been that I am giving my kids enough attention! Hard to do with all of the demands of every day life.

  13. As a grandparent too to two little ones,I’m concerned with all the bullying that you have in schools today!It has got to stop and be recognized more!

  14. My biggest challenge is giving them individual attention. I have one who is 18 years old and 2 smaller ones. It’s hard to make room for alone time with each one!

  15. I am now a grandparent to six and my sons are doing a great job with their wives raising them. My biggest concern is the world they are growing up in.

  16. My biggest challenge as a parent is knowing that I’m making the right choices and structuring my children’s lives enough.

  17. My biggest challenge has always been finding the time to do all the things we need to do, and at least some of the things we “want” to do!

  18. I Have a 2 year old who is super jealous of my 9 month old. I would say at this point in my life my biggest challenge is breaking my two year old of “baby” habbits ie: the bottle, breast feeding, being mean to the baby!

  19. This book looks so sweet. My little prek kiddos would love to have me read to them. We often study about animals but BABY animals are especially precious to 3 and 4 year olds! Of course, since it will be my book, I will have it here to read to the little ones in my own family as well.

  20. As a parent and Grandparent my biggest concern is how things are going to be for my children and grandchildren when they reach my age.

  21. thanks for the chance to get this book – it looks so sweet! These years of bedtime stories are passing so quickly!

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