You are the perfect mom! Learn to use the gifts god has given you.

Perfect Mom? Yes, You Are!

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Review: (un)Natural Mom

Do you remember when you became a mom?  My story of becoming a mom is probably very different than your story.  Most moms have 9 months to prepare for the arrival of a baby including buying baby clothes and decorating a baby room.  My son arrived with just 3 hours notice.  Talk about an (un)Natural way to become a first-time mom.

Note: I would like to thank the Litfuse Group for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions here are my own.  This post includes affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

You are probably wondering how this all came about right?  Babies usually take longer than 3 hours to arrive.  My husband and I were foster parents.  While we had been through a long process of paperwork and approval to become foster parents, once you are approved, you can get a call at any time that you are needed to care for a child.  Our first son arrived just 3 hours after our foster care manager called with the request.

Are you the perfect mom? Learn how your unique abilities make you the perfect mom for your children.

When we got “our” call, I was amazed.  I was excited. But I was a little shocked.  A 17-day old baby was coming to my house and I didn’t have a bottle, a diaper or even a onesie.  What was I going to do?  Looking back, I realize how unprepared I was, but I see how perfectly God’s plan worked.  To make a long story short, this amazing baby did become our forever son about 21 months later through the miracle of adoption.

[bctt tweet=”Are you the perfect mom for your kids? You might not feel like it, but you are, says @HettieBrittz and her new book! ” username=”smartmomideas”]

Every mom has an (un)Natural mom story or moment.  Whether it’s how we became a mom or forgetting to send back your child’s school forms (done that too) or not packing a lunch on field trip day, all moms have moments when being a mom just isn’t natural.  But, as Brittz shows us,  despite your feelings of imperfection, you are the perfect mom for your kids.

One of my favorite parts of (un)Natural Mom was the personal profile that helped me understand my parenting style.  There no perfect parenting style, God gave each style unique gifts.

As you read (un)Natural Mom, you will start to understand your parenting style, the important strengths you have as a parent and areas where you can improve.  Brittz so gently offers us suggestions and ideas for each parenting style that can improve your parenting.

We have been called to be a mom.  (un)Natural Mom will give you new insights to help you understand yourself better and accept with joy and grace everything you are as a mom. Most of all, you will be encouraged to continue to grow in your faith and understand you are the perfect mom for your kids – just as you are!

Your turn…

What’s your (un)Natural Mom moment?  I’d love to hear your story in the comments.

Until next time be smart

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