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FREE Holiday Planner

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Would you like to have a more joyful holiday with less stress this year?

Let’s avoid the shopping rush trying to find gifts instore or online. Let’s make a shopping plan (and a budget). 

Let’s not let the holiday season overwhelm us, let’s take time to enjoy every Christmas carol, every Christmas card, every holiday picture and special moment.

This holiday season, don’t feel stressed and overwhelmed, feel calm and focus on what matters.  Here’s a simple solution so you can get organized, relax more and enjoy the holidays this year.  Grab your FREE copy of the Smart Mom Holiday Planner and start planning an organized and joyful holiday season.

Christmas planner

Do you know the main reasons we feel stress during the holidays? Lack of planning, lack of organization and then we get rushed and stressed because we have not planned and we are completely disorganized.  Get your FREE Holiday Planner and start organizing your holidays.

How to Keep Your Sanity this Holiday Season

  • Manage your calendar. During the holiday season, it’s easy to plan too many activities and parties. Be selective. Recognize your own limits and if you have kids don’t let them plan too many activities either.
  • Plan ahead. Write down your menu plans for Thanksgiving and Christmas 2-3 weeks early. Write your Christmas cards and have them ready to mail. Make Christmas shopping lists so you know exactly what you plan to purchase and don’t waste time (and money) just looking for gift ideas.
  • Have a Christmas “to-don’t” list. We all make “to-do” lists. But once our “to-do” list is full, you need a “to-don’t” list. A reminder list of things you have chosen not to do so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • Focus on what matters. Do only activities and events that are important to your family.
  • Make special memories you can cherish for a lifetime.

The Smart Mom Holiday Planner is the busy mom’s solution to holiday stress. It has everything you need to plan a holiday season your family will remember and keep you organized and stress-free this holiday season.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Menu planning pages to plan your perfect Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.
  • Christmas card list to keep your card-sending organized.
  • Black Friday Shopping list so you can find the best deals.
  • Gift List to organize gifts you need to purchase and to track what you have purchased.
  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Planner to plan your favorite Christmas activities.
  • Thanksgiving and Christmas Traditions to write down all your favorite family Christmas traditions so you don’t forget any this year.
  • Daily Gratitude to remember what’s important.
  • Christmas Cleaning list for all the reminders you need before your Christmas guests arrive.
  • Month at a glance calendar to see a big picture for all your family activities this Christmas season with the month at a glance calendar.  It’s reprintable, so you can use it for November and December.
  • Weekly planning pages so you don’t forget anything important.
  • Thank you card list so you don’t forget to thank anyone.
  • Favorite Christmas Recipes to keep all your favorite Christmas recipes easily organized.
  • Journal pages for notes and special memories.
  • And so much more…

In all, it’s a huge 70-page Christmas planner with everything you need to get organized and ready for this holiday season.

Holiday planner collage

Get your FREE copy of the Smart Mom Holiday Planner today and start planning an amazing holiday season. With a little planning, you can reduce your Christmas and holiday season stress and have more joy.

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Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season that you enjoy with family and friends.


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