Resolutions to Results: 10 Ways To Start The New Year Right
Ready or not, it’s time to start a new year! If you are a goal setter, you have probably spent time during the last week or two reviewing the last year and planning your goals for the new year. Whether you make resolutions, set goals, or make 30-day plans, here are 10 ways to start the new year right.
Grab a piece of paper, your favorite notebook or planner, and start brainstorming how you can start the new year right. Here are 10 ideas to get you started.
10 Ways To Start the New Year Right
1. Choose a word for the Year
I like to choose a word for the new year. A word for the year gives you focus and helps you know priorities. A few years back, I chose the word growth. I would return to this word throughout the year and remind myself I wanted to grow through the year and set goals based on growth. It helped me find focus areas in my personal and professional life to grow.
Another year, I chose three words and three things to leave behind. Here were my words:
- Faith, not fear
- Focus, not indecision
- Abundance, not scarcity
I added a Bible verse too, I Chronicles 4:10 (also known as the Prayer of Jabez), “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, ‘Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!’ So God granted him what he requested.”
Think about a word (or words) you would like to describe your year, and find a Bible promise to support your word.
2. Set Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Goals
If you want to get things done this year, set goals and timeframes to complete them. Don’t just say I want to lose 10 pounds this year; say I want to lose 10 pounds this year by losing 2 pounds a week and 10 pounds by February 15th. You can even add a daily goal, like making healthy eating choices every day.
You could set up a similar monthly, weekly, and daily plan with most goals you want to set this year.
By creating smaller goals within your bigger goals, you will be able to stay focused and more likely to complete all of them.
3. Drink More Water
Do you drink enough water every day? I don’t. Many days, I drink mostly sweet tea. I will not likely give up my sweet tea, but I can add more water to replace some of my sweet tea.
Water is essential for our bodies. We need it to keep our cells and skin hydrated (caffeine drinks don’t hydrate us), and it helps flush fat and toxins from our bodies.
So, my goal is to start drinking 16 ounces of water in the mornings and 16 ounces of water in the afternoons. This goal will add 32 ounces of water to my day, which is a great start!
What about you? How much water are you drinking?
4. Eat a Healthier Diet
After #3, you probably expected I would say eat a healthier diet. I did not say you must follow a specific diet plan (you can choose one that works for you and your family).
Eating healthier might mean you remove chips, sodas, high calorie/high sugar foods from your diet or it might be better portion control or no snacking between meals and after dinner.
Because eating is vital to life, you might be more successful with one small change every week or two rather than making all the big changes simultaneously. If you struggle with eating healthy, I suggest one small change gradually so you don’t feel deprived and then fail or quit the diet changes after a week or two.
5. Add 20 Minutes of Exercise Daily
If you don’t currently have any exercise in your life and especially if you have a lifestyle where you sit for long periods, adding a little exercise would be good (be sure to check with your doctor to confirm you are healthy enough for exercise before starting any exercise programs).
Busy moms have a difficult time adding exercise to their days. If you are not exercising to lose weight, try adding 20-30 minutes of exercise a day. It will get your heart pumping, and you will feel more energized.
6. Start Every Day with a Plan
How often do you start your day with no focus and no plan? Make it a habit this year to start your day with a plan. Every night before bed or in the first few minutes of every morning, write down your “must-dos” for the day and an action plan.
After a week, you will be surprised by how much you get done.
7. Create Morning and Evening Routines that Work
We all have routines we follow even if we don’t realize it. Having the right morning routine will help you start your day right. Morning disasters add stress and usually affect us all day. Determine to create a morning routine that will work for you. If you need help with a morning routine, Smart Mom Smart Mornings gives you a 30-day plan to transform your mornings.
Evening routines are also important. Evenings should help you settle down and complete your day. A few times a week, add in some “mom time” or self-care, like reading your favorite book or taking a hot bubble bath.
8. Start a New Habit
What is something you have been wanting to change about yourself? A new year is a perfect time to start a new habit.
A new habit can be many things like getting up earlier or going to bed earlier, reading for 30 minutes every evening instead of watching TV, spending more family time, and cooking at home instead of eating fast food.
Take a moment and pick one new habit you would like to start this year. Pick something good, something that will make a difference. When you look back on December 31st, you can say, Wow! What a difference.
9. Learn Something New Every day
We all have interests and hobbies. We all have areas where we can work on personal development. Commit to learning something new every day.
Learning something new will make you a more well-rounded person and give you many new topics for conversation with friends and family.
10. Be Grateful and gracious
Being a grateful person who is gracious to others will make you stand out. Kindness is not always in abundance.
Decide to be kind and grateful to everyone you meet each day.
Kindness is contagious; spread a little kindness, and it goes a long way.
Being grateful will change your perspective. Find one thing to be thankful for each day and write it in a journal or on your planner. Then read through your list every month and you will see the many things you have to be grateful for.
Wishing you a Happy New Year and a fantastic year!
Blessings to you and your family.