Successful mornings: goal setting

Successful Mornings: Setting Your Goals


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Successful mornings: setting your goals. Day 5 of make over your mornings.

Setting Goals to Give Your Morning Focus

Have you noticed that setting goals helps give you focus and plan your day? If you don’t have focus for your day, do you feel that you are wondering aimlessly all day long?  Let’s discuss setting goals to make our mornings a success.

Today is day 5 of our discussion of the 14-day course Make Over Your Mornings by Crystal Paine.  The topic today is goal setting to give your morning focus and direction.

Goals Give You Focus

By setting goals, you will be able to start your day with focus.  You will know what tasks and challenges are important and what you can let go for another day.

Without goals, we will like we are always moving, but never getting anywhere.

Setting Your Goals

In today’s video and workbook, Crystal discusses setting your goals.  Start by deciding the 3-4 most important areas of your life to focus on right now (for example, you could choose wife, mother, extended family, and your work) .  Next, write down things you would like to improve in each these areas.  It’s okay to start with a larger list, but narrow your list so you don’t become overwhelmed with too many goals.


Don’t forget, today is the last day you can purchase Make Over Your Mornings for just $9.  Don’t miss this opportunity to complete the full course yourself.  You will learn to make your mornings more successful.

Note: this post includes affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

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