5 Tips for a Clean and Organized Home
Simple Home Cleaning & Organization Tips
Today, I am so excited to welcome Amanda Long from Time Saving Mom. Amanda loves to write about time saving tips and organization ideas for moms. Amanda has some simple tips to help you keep a clean and organized home every day.
The productiveness of a mom depends on how she is able to manage her duties while helping the rest of the family. By having the chores done right with some time saving tips factored in, mom will have a clean and organized home and time to enjoy what she wants to enjoy too!!
5 Steps to a Clean & Organized Home
List all chores and when possible designate them to the rest of the family
Even if these are the very basic activities, any thing that mom can assign to someone else will benefit everyone. A mom should, therefore come up with a list of all the activities that need to be done and then have the family chip in some of their time to help. In doing so, she will free herself enough time to do other chores which will translate to her being balanced and effective. Otherwise meaning, mom might actually get DONE and at the end of the day get to sit down or enjoy family time when she otherwise would have been still cleaning.
Make short planned cleaning periods
Cleaning the accumulated dirt will always end up frustrating you as a mom. You should instead come up a cleaning schedule that ensures that you manage to keep things clean in short regular periods. As opposed to having the dirt and clutter accumulate. You can aside one hour to have the short and regular cleaning done, or you could have more or less time depending on how big your family is. You will save more time by having the scheduled cleaning periods on a daily basis.
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Set aside time to make a shopping list
Go through all the foods and other commodities stocked in the house to see what is running out. You could also keep a running inventory. This should prompt you to get shopping for enough commodities to last you a whole week {or two}. The shopping period can be longer or shorter depending on how free you are.
Keep the storage organized
Being organized will always save a lot of time. If this is an issue take some time and set up a storage system for everything you need to store. Be the super mom who files her paperwork appropriately, have the clothes packed up in a manner that is easy to locate and have the kids’ stuff put away on a daily basis. The list is longer, but one can get creative with how you run your system. Use this one rule: everything must be accessible to where you need it but yet out of plain site. This will avoid clutter and keep you organized big time.
Never leave the room empty handed
If you’re a natural pile maker {like me}, it’s hard to fight it. But when leaving a room grab something from the pile and take it to its home. It helps if you take those planned times to clean and organize. In our home, we have a 15-minute pick up 2 {sometimes 3} times per day. EVERYONE has to pick up and put away for 15-minutes, no questions asked.
Interested in more Home Organization tips, download 50 Home Organization Tips Every Mom Needs.
Your turn…
I would love to hear how you keep up on your housekeeping!