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Reviews: Tightropes and Teeter-Totters and Precious Moments Prayer Bible

I love reading great books, especially by moms who share their insights.  In Tightropes and Tetter-Totters, Lisa Pennington helps us find our balance.  The Precious Moments Prayer Bible is a beautiful Bible with sweet prayers to read with your child.

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I would like to thank the Litfuse Group for providing me a copy of Tightropes and Tetter-Totters and BookLook bloggers for sharing The Precious Moments Prayer Bible with me.  All opinions here are my own.  For your convenience, this post includes affiliate links.  Read my full disclosure policy here.

Tightropes and Tetter-Totters

Lisa Pennington helps us find balance in Tightropes and Tetter-Totters.  As moms we juggle (and struggle) with so many responsibilities, it’s easy to lose the balance in life. Lisa Pennington takes a look at many specific areas of life including parenting, marriage, self-care, home and more and shows us how to restore and claim the balance in each area.

Tightropes and tetter-totters review

Lisa Pennington offers practical advice in each chapter through her BALANCE solution.  In every chapter, she will show you how to find balance through this acronym:

  • Begin
  • Assess
  • Learn
  • Account
  • Notify
  • Change
  • Endure

I especially liked the chapter on self-care.  Frequently, we feel like self-care is selfish. When we take time for self-care to rejuvenate and recharge it benefits you and your family because you will be better prepared to care for them.

If you struggle with balance in life and feel overwhelmed, Tightropes and Tetter-Totters will help you refocus and find your balance.

Precious Moments Precious Prayers Bible

The Precious Moments Precious Prayers Bible is a delightfully sweet Bible for young children.  My youngest daughter is seven and she absolutely loves this Bible.  She was so proud to take it to church with her.

Precious moments precious prayers bible

The Precious Moments Precious Prayers Bible has the classic Precious Moments characters throughout with prayers and Bible verses to share with your child. Favorite prayers such as The Lord’s Prayer and the Beatitudes are just a few of the prayers included for reading and memorizing together.

This Bible is the New King James Version so it’s easier to read and understand.  It’s the perfect Bible to start your child on the lifelong journey of reading their Bible and prayer.  A great gift for birthdays, Christmas and even in an Easter basket!

Until next time be smart


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