Don't be overwhelmed with stuff. Learn the secrets to being unstuffed.

Do You Have Too Much Stuff?

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Review of Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind and Soul

Do you look around your home and think there is just too much stuff here?  Where did it all come from?  Why do we need it all?  What about your calendar, do you run from place to place?  Are you over busy from an overscheduled calendar?  If you can ask yourself these questions, you are probably ready to take action and get Unstuffed.

I would like to thank Ruth Soukup for providing me an advance copy of this book for review.  All opinions here are my own. This post includes affiliate links.  Read my disclosure policy here.

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In her newest book, Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind & Soul Ruth Soukup gives practical advice and shares her hard-learned wisdom about how we get too much stuff in our lives and how to get Unstuffed.  She shares her personal stories, challenges, mistakes and how she finally got her life unstuffed.

Learn the secrets to being unstuffed. How to live well with less clutter and stuff in your life.

Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind and Soul is more than a book about decluttering.Ir? T=smamomsmaide 20&l=li3&o=1&a=0310337690  It’s about changing your mind about everything that clutters our lives including stuff, activities, and more.  You will learn how to find ways to be content with less stuff and make time for what matters.

The book is divided into 3 sections – your home, your mind and your soul.

In the home section, you will receive practical advice to remove the clutter from your home.  Ruth even provides a weekend plan to declutter every room in your home (including an exact hourly schedule and plan to follow-up).

After you have decluttered your home, it’s time to work on your mind.  Do you get stressed some days just thinking about everything on your calendar that needs to be done?  Ruth will show you how to reduce your calendar and keep only the most important plans.  She also shows us how to manage all the paper in our lives.

Last, Ruth will show you how to take care of yourself.  Learn to take time to build friendships and how we can enhance our lives with friendship.  She reminds us of the importance of our health and taking care of ourselves.  She closes the book by showing us to nourish our spirit too.

When you finish reading Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind & Soulyou will look at and think differently about the things you have and why you keep them.  You will also want to protect your time and focus on only the most important things.

Becoming unstuffed takes time.  It doesn’t happen overnight.  For some of us (like me), it will probably be a life-long challenge to continually fight our desires for more stuff (even good things).  To not be overwhelmed by stuff and busyness, we must understand ourselves and why we keep so much and have overwhelmed schedules.

It’s time to start today and get your life unstuffed.  What are you waiting for?

Your Turn…

Do you have too much stuff?  Are your days overscheduled and overbusy?  What steps are you taking to change today?

Until next time be smart



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  1. Lately I have felt like we do have too much stuff. I’ve been slowly working on decluttering, but I have a bit of my grandparent’s pack rat tendencies. Many things I worry about wanting/needing later. I’m not as bad as they are though. We made them clean out their barn for my graduation parties years ago and we found the name plates for my grandfather’s highs school graduation cards! No cards either, just the name plates that you insert into them. We made them throw those away. LOL

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I too have the tendency to keep things just in case I might need it later (of course, I keep and if I should need it I can never find it). When I feel this way, sometimes I ask myself, well when I was the last time I used this item or needed it. If it was more than a year ago, it’s probably safe not to keep it.

  2. We have to many toys. Between my nephews and my girls we have toys for all age groups. We have been donating a few toys just to open up the space and it looks great.

    1. Hi Lilith, toys add up fast and take up so much space. It does feel better when we let go of a few of them. It’s a process at our house too.

    1. Hi Mary, Unstuffed is a great resource for moms. Ruth shared many helpful tips not just to declutter things, but to better manage your time and relationships.

  3. Uncluttering … that’s something I need to do. Ever since my hysterectomy in 2009, it has been a battle staying focused and accomplishing things.

    Maybe I’ll get this book.

    1. Tammy, this book is very practical and hands on. If you need a guide and a format to get started that type of information is included in Unstuffed. One chapter even has a weekend declutter plan (I mean by the hour – time to start, when to eat dinner, what you should do for each hour or so). It’s very helpful if having a plan/worksheet benefits you. We are going to be reading this book together in the Smart Mom Facebook group starting April 16th – you can join here

  4. I received my copy of Unstuffed tonight and I’m already 30 pages in. It’s a great book. I love how refreshingly realistic and honest Ruth Soukup is. I peeked ahead at the weekend challenge. I think my favorite part of the challenge is the way she included time for a lunch break. 😉 I can’t wait to schedule my weekend!

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