Vision Board Examples and Free Vision Board Printables
Do you ever dream about the life you would like to have? Maybe you flip through magazines and see places you would like to visit or read books and imagine things you would like to do. A vision board can help you create a picture of your dreams and goals. Here’s a list of vision board examples and ideas to help you create your own vision board that will motivate you to succeed and a free vision board printable to start your own vision boards.
What is a vision board?
A vision board is a simple visual representation showing your goals and aspirations. You can have one vision board or many vision boards (i.e. a vision board for work goals, a vision board for personal goals, a vision board for health, etc…). Vision boards usually include beautiful pictures of places, people, jobs and more that inspire you. Vision boards might include your dream career, a bucket list of travel, places would like to live, and more.
Some vision boards are wall size like a cork board and some vision boards are notebook paper size. The beauty of a vision board is that you can find a format that works for you.
To help you start a vision board, download your FREE vision board printable today.
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What do you put on a vision board?
Vision boards are filled with pictures of people, places and things that inspire you. You can organize your vision board into many different categories. As I mentioned above, you can have one or many vision boards. Do whatever fits your ideas and goals best. Create as many vision boards as you need for inspiration.
For starters, you might begin with a career and professional goals board, personal goals board, health board, and a dream life board.
Some of the best places to find pictures for your vision boards are magazines and on the internet. Always be on alert for pictures that inspire you.
Vision Board Categories
Vision Board for Career and Professional Goals
Many people like to start their vision boards with professional and career goals. These goals might include your dream career, completing college or starting college in the future, finishing a graduate degree, finding a job you enjoy more, getting a dream promotion, or building a secure financial future.
You can add many ideas to your vision board in this category. But here are some ideas to get you started:
- What is your dream career?
- What is your income goal?
- What is the ideal promotion at your current job?
- What are your professional goals?
- Do you have education goals?
- How would your dream career change your life?
- Steps to finding the career you will really enjoy
Find images that visualize each of these goals for you. When you see an image that inspires you save it, and add it to add to your vision board.
Vision Board for Personal Life Goals
Personal life goals make great vision boards. These boards can include all aspects of our personal lives. Here are a few sample personal life vision boards:
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
- A bucket list of places you would like to visit in pictures
- Your dream vacation in pictures
- How do you imagine the perfect lifestyle?
- What goals do you have for your family?
- Would you like to start a blog or business? What type of blog or business would you start?
- Do you dream of a glamorous life?
With a personal vision board, there is no wrong way to do this. Make your personal life vision board personal! After all, this board is all about you, what inspires you, your hopes and dreams, and your personal goals.
For this board include beautiful images of places you would like to visit, what your dream home would look like, the lifestyle you would like to live. When you read magazines, tear out pictures that inspire, print pictures from the internet. You can also take pictures of items and things that inspire you toward your personal goals.
Vision Board Health Goals
Health goals are another important category to include on your vision board. You can include your health goals as part of your personal goals or as a separate category. You might also want to create 2 categories for health: physical health and self-care/emotional health.
We all have physical health goals. Our goals might be to improve our current health or maintain our good health. Your vision board might include:
- Losing weight
- Eating a healthier diet
- Exercising daily
- Improving a medical condition you have
To get inspired, you can include images that show a goal weight or body size you want, or pictures of a younger you when you had the figure you are trying to get back. To help you eat better and exercise, include pictures of bright, delicious healthy food and people enjoying their exercise routines. As you start to reach your goals, take a selfie and add to your vision board.
We also might want to improve our emotional health or self-care. Try to visualize a more relaxed and less stressed life. On this board, you could include things you enjoy doing to relax and that will help improve your emotional health like:
- Reading a book
- Taking a hot bubble bath
- Going on a nature walk
- Enjoying a quiet sunrise drinking tea
Visualize what you can do to improve your emotional state or as self-care. Add images that include these relaxing and stress-reducing activities to your vision board.
Vision Board with a List of Priorities
Finally, you can create a vision board with your priorities. Vision boards have many uses. They are a great way to visualize your priorities.
When visualizing your priorities, you can simply use your vision board to show your biggest priorities in your life. You would include the things that matter to you, the motivations you have to wake up in the morning, your main sources of daily inspiration.
Visualizing these priorities can have a positive impact on your life, not just to help you accomplish these priorities, but to help you have more gratitude for what is already in your life.
Use your vision boards as a visualization tool to see your priorities in many areas of your life, by including images of what you value and your priorities for the following:
- Family & Friends
- Your Home & Life
- Your Career
- Your Health
- .. anyone or anything you care about!
These are just a few categories of visual boards you can create. Start brainstorming the types of vision boards you would like to have.
Creating a Vision Board
We started with understanding what a vision board is and what types of vision boards you can create. Now, it’s time to finally create your vision board.
Start by deciding what type of board you will create first. What theme will your board have and what types of images will you include. You can use some of the board ideas and suggestions above for ideas.
Choose Your Board Size
Start your vision board with an actual board or piece of paper. Poster board is popular for vision boards because it comes in a larger size that you can keep as-is or make it smaller and the paper is sturdier. You can also use a regular 8.5″ X 11″ paper and keep all your vision boards in a notebook or even get a blank sketchbook to create your vision boards.
Choose Your Favorite Images
After you have chosen a poster board, notebook paper or sketchbook, you can start searching for images to add to your vision board(s).
As you look for pictures, choose images that fit your vision and that will inspire you to reach your goals and work on your priorities.
If you have a color printer, you can search for images to print online. You can use search terms, Pinterest, social media, online magazines, and more to find your inspiration.
You can also flip through magazines you have at home that focus on the theme of your vision board. As you find inspiring images, cut them out to be added to your board.
Design Elements and Materials You Will Need
Finally, it’s time to add your images to your vision board. To attach your images, you will need glue or glue sticks.
If you are creative, you can use Washi tape or another patterned sticky tape to attach your images.
A few more materials you might need include:
- Pens and other writing utensils
- Colored pencils or markers
- Scissors
- Decorative elements (like banners in the Free Vision Board Planner you can download, fancy stickers, and stencils)
Putting it All Together
The last step is to put everything together.
Before you glue any images to your vision board, it’s a good idea to lay out your images and find a layout you like. Be sure to include any text you will be adding too.
Play with your images and text and get everything designed exactly the way you want it to look before you start to glue. Try a few different layouts and find one that you like best.
When you start to glue, use only thin layers of glue. Glue sticks are usually better than bottled glue because it’s easier to keep glue sticks in a thin even layer.
Place your images carefully one by one until you have completed your vision board.
Allow 3-5 hours (or longer) for your board to completely dry.
Hang your board on a wall or in a prominent place where you can see your vision and will be inspired every day to take action.
Amazing Life Vision Board Bundle
If you are ready to make a vision board and create a 1 year and 5 year vision for your life, get the Amazing Life Vision Board Bundle.
This bundle includes:
- 7 Day Challenge to create your vision board
- Vision Board Journal
- In 5 Years Vision Planner
- Plus Bonus FREE Gratitude Journal
These journals and planners will help you create vision boards that inspire and motivate you to take action and reach your goals.
Get your Amazing Life Vision Board Bundle today.