Memorable gifts for grandparents | gift ideas for grandparents

Gifts Grandparents Will Love

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Special Gifts for Grandparents

Grandparents deserve special gifts.  Unique gifts for grandparents can be custom made/ordered or handmade by your children.  I treasure all the special little handmade gifts my children made for me when they were small.  My favorite gifts for grandparents are photo gifts and gifts that share and create special memories.

Memorable gifts for grandparents fb

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Shutterfly Photo Gifts

40% off mug newsletter header

Shutterfly offers many photo gifts you can make and design yourself.  Some of my favorite gifts for grandparents are:

  • Calendars with photo memories from the year
  • Photo Mugs  (use the code MUG2017 and get 40% and free chocolate).
  • Photo books (customized with a theme like Favorite Days with Grandma or Fun with Grandparents in 2016 – highlighting special times with the children and grandparents)
  • Photo Cubes (I made one of these a few years ago, it has great pictures.  You can turn it from time to time for a different picture)

Many gifts are on sale at Shutterfly.  You can still order and receive items before Christmas (but don’t wait).

Recommended for you: 24 Days of Christmas Gift Ideas

Merry Christmas Grandma and Grandpa Printable

My friend Jennifer at The Intentional Mom created these cute and memorable “Merry Christmas Grandma” and “Merry Christmas Grandpa” printables.  Your child can write down favorite memories with Grandma and Grandpa.  This printable is a wonderful memory for Grandparents to save and re-read every year.  It would also be fun to make it a tradition to update the memories every year too.

Digital Photo Frame

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Digital photo frames are great way to display favorite family photos.   You can upload your photos directly to this digital photo frame or to a flash drive (easy way to transfer photos).  You can easily update digital photo frames by adding new photos each year.

Secrets from Grandma’s Kitchen

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Learning to bake with Grandma is fun.  Secrets from Grandma’s Kitchen is a cookbook filled with recipes from Grandma that your kids and Grandma will love baking together.  Spending time baking and learning to cook with my Grandma is a wonderful and sweet memory I have of her.

What a Difference a Day Makes Photo

Pick the important dates in your family’s life and put them on a canvas photo – What a Difference a Day Makes.  What dates are important to your family?

Your turn…

What gifts do you like for grandparents?  Are you making gifts for purchasing gifts?

Until next time be smart

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