Do you find you that sometimes you get so busy with kids activities, family life (or stress), work and routines, you don’t feel that you have any joy? Did you know we don’t have to live feeling like we just get through every day? God has so much more for us. This month I want to encourage you to have joy. I created a free calendar you can print and put on your refrigerator or place in your Bible for a daily Bible verse on joy.
This month I am starting a monthly series to encourage you as a mom. I decided to start the series with the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. For the next few months, at the beginning of the month, you will receive a calendar with Bible verses centered on one topic from these Bible verses. I chose to start with joy because I think many of us get busy in everyday routines and problems and forget the joy we have as a child of God.
You can use this calendar many ways. You can print it and have a daily reading on joy. You can also use it as a daily Bible verse to memorize (if a daily Bible verse is too much to memorize, then choose a favorite Bible verse from each week to memorize). Post it on your refrigerator or keep it in the front pages of your Bible.
These verses on joy will remind you that God is always with you, He is watching over you. You will be encouraged to pray and rejoice in all things. You will be reminded of many things you have forgotten that bring you joy.
3 Ways to Have Joy Every Day
Focus on your Blessings
Many times we lose our joy because we forget our blessings and the many ways God takes care of us every day. He provides so much we often forget the basic needs of life He gives us food, shelter, clothing, and family. He is always watching over us.
In Zephaniah 3, God promises He is mighty to save and He will rejoice over us with singing.
Joy is All Around Us
Because God is always with us, we have joy. Darkness and sadness may be with for a short time, but joy always comes.
In 2 Corinthians we are reminded that God’s grace is always sufficient for our needs. In Psalm 30 we know that weeping may last for a short time, but we are promised joy will come.
Joy Comes in Obedience
We don’t always like the word “obedience”. But many times in the Bible we are told that following God’s Word and direction will bring us joy.
In Psalm 1, we are reminded that joy is found in meditating on God’s Word day and night.
30 Days of Joy Calendar
Here’s your copy of the Fruit of the Spirit – 30 Days of Joy Calendar. Download it today.
I hope you are reminded of the many ways you have joy in your life even when you have troubles, hard times, and busyness. You can always have joy.
Your turn…
How do you have joy? What’s your favorite Bible verse on joy?
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