Diy sugar scrub | sugar scrub recipes | homemade sugar scrub

30+ DIY Sugar Scrub Recipes

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Have you tried homemade body and sugar scrubs? I love homemade sugar scrubs to soften my skin and keep it moisturized (these are especially great for your skin in the winter).  After you wash your hands or body with a sugar scrub, it always feels clean and soft.  Did you know it’s easy to make DIY body scrubs at home? If you love body scrubs too, check out this list of 30+ DIY sugar scrub recipes you can make at home.

Diy sugar scrub | sugar scrub recipes | homemade sugar scrub

Homemade sugar scrubs are great way to relax and moisturize your skin. They also make great gifts. You are sure to find a favorite with one of these 30 diy sugar scrubs.
Need to relax? Try one of these amazing and relaxing body scrubs. Over 30 different recipes for you to try for body, hair, and face.

To get started making your own sugar scrubs at home, you will need to gather a few basic supplies.  Many of the items, you may already have at home.  But in case you are missing something,  I have included a supply list with affiliate links.  Read my full disclosure policy here.

Sugar Scrub Recipes for Your Body 

Best Homemade Body Scrub: Mojito Body Scrub by Freebie Finding Mom

Homemade Coconut Oil Salt Scrub by The Women Talk

Green Tea Sugar Scrub by Reuse Grow Enjoy

Homemade Oatmeal Body Scrub by Freebie Finding Mom

Strawberry Lemon Foot Scrub by Reuse Grow Enjoy

Apple Pie Scrub Recipe by Ann’s Entitled Life

Gingerbread Sugar Scrub by Beauty Through Imperfection

Peppermint Sugar Scrub by Beauty Through Imperfection

DIY Grapefruit Sugar Scrub Cubes by Ann’s Entitled Life

Mint Sugar Scrub Bridal Favors by A Bride On a Budget

DIY Lemon Sugar Scrub by Thrifty Jinxy

DIY Coffee Bath Scrub by Thrifty Jinxy

Oatmeal Lavender Bath Soak by Carolyn’s Homework

All Natural Spa Gift Basket Herbal Tweets by 365 Days of Crafts

Vanilla Mint Sugar Scrub by Thrifty Treasures

Relaxing Lavender Bath Soak by Moms Who Save

DIY Candy Cane Sugar Scrub by Moms Who Save

DIY Sugar Scrub (5 recipes) by Lydi Out Loud

DIY Coconut Coffee Scrub by The Lucky Pear

Lip scrubs to moisturize and soften your lips.

Face & Lip Sugar Scrub Recipes

Latte Face Scrub by I Go BOGO

Homemade Grapefruit Face Scrub for Acne by Freebie Finding Mom

Peppermint Coffee Sugar Scrub for Lips by Reuse Grow Enjoy

Strawberry Daiquiri Lip Scrub by Ann’s Entitled Life

DIY Strawberry Lip Scrub by Reuse Grow Enjoy

Honey Facial Mask by Carolyn’s Homework

Homemade Pomegranate Facial Scrub by Carolyn’s Homework

Sweet Lips Sugar Scrub by 365 Days of Crafts

7 Delicious DIY Lip Scrubs by Lydi Out Loud

Your turn …

What is your favorite body or facial sugar scrub recipe?  Share your favorite sugar scrub recipe or DIY body scrub recipe in the comments.

Until next time be smart

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