How to successfully manage yourself – discipline

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Do you find some parts of your life are harder to manage than others?   I usually struggle with mundane chores or tasks such as making the children’s lunches every day or preparing my clothes for the week.   Completing these types of tasks before they are due requires discipline.

The late Jim Rohm would say that it was a few simple disciplines practiced everyday that could change your life.  What if you read a new book every week?  What if you read a book aloud with your children evey day?  What if you exercised 30 minutes every day?  What impact do these small changes have over time?

Small and consistent changes have the potential to make substantial long term changes.  Imagine the small changes every day for your child when you help with reading or homework?  Each day adds up to the potential for great and long term success for your child.

Steps to a more disciplined life:

  1. Determine your goals (short and long term).
  2. Access what disciplines will help you reach your goals.  Choose disciplines that clearly conect to achieving your goals.
  3. Practice your disciplines everyday (or the schedule you set).   Don’t allow yourself any excuses to skip your daily disciplines.
  4. As your goals change, re-establish the disciplines needed to reach your goal.

Discipline makes successful people different than others.   Discipline makes ordinary people extraordinary because they don’t quit.

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