The omni god - a study of god's character for tweens and teens | teaching teens god's character | parenting

How to Teach Teens and Tweens God’s Character

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One of my most important jobs as a mom is to teach my children to honor and fear God. The Omni-God: Knowing Who God is and What That Means For Me, Vol. 1 Bible study gives parents a hands-on Bible study on God’s character.  Teaching our children understand the character of God helps them understand who God is.

Note: This post is sponsored by Paradise Praises. I would like to thank Katie Hornor/Paradise Praises for providing me a copy to review. I have been compensated for this review. All opinions are my own. For your convenience, this post includes affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy here.

The omni god - a study of god's character for tweens and teens | teaching teens god's character | parenting

Katie Hornor wrote this book because, “To know how to have good character, we have to study the character of the One whose character is perfect.”  The Omni God: Knowing Who God is and What That Means for Me, Vol. 1 teaches teens and tweens five foundational characteristics of God character.

  • God’s Omni – Traits
  • God’s Truthfulness
  • God’s Faithfulness
  • God’s Patience
  • God’s Forgiveness

I love this study because it’s an active study of God’s Word, not just passively reading pages. In each chapter, your child will understand the character trait and supporting verses and examples.  Your child will learn a verse that proves each character trait. They will write the verse and respond to interactive questions about the lesson.

As a workbook, your child can study deep in each chapter. It’s not just a surface study or reading study that can be quickly skimmed. As they write the words, they will stay in your child’s heart and mind.

The omni god study | teaching children god's character | teen devotional

Each lesson has probing and thought-provoking questions. Questions to help your child think about how to apply the character to their own life and how it’s manifested science, a Biblical character, another historical character, a song study and more.  Most importantly, a Bible verse to memorize that exemplifies this character trait.

This study is perfect for homeschool families to use as part of their Bible curriculum or if your children attend a traditional school it could be used for family devotions and discussion questions or a personal devotional.

As parents, we want our children to grow up learning to be more like God and less influenced by the world. The Omni-God: Knowing Who God Is and What That Means for Me is Bible study you can use to guide your kids and teach them the character of God and character they should be modeling every day.

Until next time be smart

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