Legend of the christmas cookie

Review: The Legend of the Christmas Cookie

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Have you ever wondered the legend of the first Christmas cookies?

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Ir? T=smamomsmaide 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0310747678The Legend of the Christmas Cookie: Sharing the True Meaning of Christmas by Dandi Daily Mackall is a beautifully and vibrantly colored children’s book that will help you share the Christmas story with your children.

Special thanks to Book Look Bloggers for providing me a copy of this book to review.  All opinions are my own.  This post includes affiliate links, if you make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.

As soon as I opened the box, my youngest daughter who is 6 years old loved this story. She wanted to read it and then take it to school and ask her teacher to read it to all her friends.

The main character, Jack is one most children will like and relate to.  You and your children will connect with him and his feelings early in the story.  As Jack learns to share at Christmas, we learn the meaning of Christmas and the legend of the Christmas cookies.

This story is written in a style that children with basic reading skills are able to read it themselves or to their younger siblings.  As they enjoy the story, they learn the meaning of Christmas.

Reading the legend of the christmas cookie

You will enjoy reading The Legend of the Christmas Cookie with your family and will likely make it part of your Christmas reading traditions for many years to come.  Even though the story is written for younger children, the story shares the true meaning of Christmas in a simple way that everyone can enjoy.

After reading The Legend of the Christmas Cookie, you will want to share Christmas cookies every year with your friends, family and with to those in need at Christmas.

Your turn…

Does your family make Christmas cookies to share every year?  What Christmas stories does your family like to read together during the Christmas season?

Until next time be smart


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