10 things to do everyday to keep your sanity

The Tuesday Ten List – 10 Things to do Everyday to Keep Your Sanity

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10 things you can do everyday to keep your sanity

As our children start back to school, our routines will get busier.  For mom’s, it’s easy to get lost in the many daily activities.  Here’s a list of 10 Things you can do to keep your day under control.

Life is to busy for most of us.  These 10 daily steps will help you achieve order on the busiest days.

The Tuesday Ten List – Things to do Everyday to Keep your Sanity

  1. Wash all the dishes before you go to bed.  It’s never fun to get up in the morning and find a sink full of dirty dishes.  Going to the kitchen for coffee or hot tea is one of the first things we do every morning, your day will start so much better if the kitchen is clean.
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast.  Having breakfast will help get your day started right and keep you energized all day.
  3. Do a quick pick-up around your house before you leave for school or work.  Take 5 minutes to clean-up any breakfast dishes and toys before you leave and don’t forget to make up the beds.  I make up the beds every day.   You will be happier when you come home to a clean house.
  4. Prepare lunches/snacks for the next day before you go to bed the night before.  Mornings are usually rushed.  It’s not fun to scramble around the kitchen making sandwiches or looking for food to put in lunchboxes at the last minute in the morning.
  5. Pack diaper bags, backpacks, and school items the night before.  Have all books, notebooks, signed papers, homework in backpacks are ready for school before your child goes to bed.  You don’t need the morning panic of lost papers.  If you have a younger child, pack the diaper bag with diapers, bottles, wipes, extra clothes for the next day too.
  6. Go to bed at early.  I am not saying you have to go to bed at 8:30 pm when your children go to bed, but don’t stay up too late watching TV either.  For me, 10:00 pm is the ideal time to go to bed for optimal sleep.  Choose your best time and go to bed early.
  7. Organize clothes for the next day before you go to bed.  Searching for a lost shoe, not be able to decide what to wear wastes precious morning minutes.  Decide the night before what you (and your children) will wear in the morning.  Have everything set aside and ready.
  8. Plan your dinners in advance.  Do a weekly or monthly dinner schedule.  Just like having your clothes ready, having dinner ready makes life easier.
  9. Put away all the clean laundry as soon as you wash it.  Laundry piles up quickly.  It’s easy to get baskets and piles of clean laundry that need to be folded and put away.  Besides, how will you have your outfit for tomorrow if all the laundry is not put away so you can find your clothes.
  10. Set a daily routine.  Have a set time to get up in the morning, for dinner in the evening, for homework, for bedtime and all your other weekly activities.  A routine will help you maintain a weekly schedule and feel like you don’t have constant chaos.

Your Turn…

How do you keep sanity in your life and schedule?   What do you do that makes your life easier?

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