10 things your child needs

10 Things Your Children Need from You Today

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Things Your Children Need From You That Don’t Cost Money

10 things your child needs from you today. Nope, it's not money.

All parents know the challenges of parenting.  It can be difficult to know what each of our children needs to be a confident and thriving child.  Each of your children is unique.  As a parent, you can help build your child’s confidence and self-respect.  Do you know the 10 things your child needs from you today?

You might be surprised your children don’t need more toys or “things”.  They don’t need more money.  They definitely don’t need more electronic gadgets.  In fact, most children living in America don’t need more of anything money can buy.

10 Things To Give Your Children That Will Inspire Them Today

Your Unconditional Love

Children need to know their parents love them unconditionally.  When your child messes up, you will love them.  When your child has great success, you will love them.  Children must be secure in the fact their parents love them unconditionally.

A parent’s love must be unconditional at all times.  You cannot place if, then conditions on your love.  You cannot say if you do this, then I will love you (you must be careful your actions don’t communicate this).  Your children need for you to show them you will love them all the time under all circumstances.

Tell them you love them every day and give them hugs and kisses (they won’t mind, even if they pretend they don’t like it).

Your Time

It can be hard to give your time.  As parents, we have projects, goals, and plans that require time too.  Sometimes we have to let our goals go to give our time to our children.  Raising our children is the most important goal at this time in our lives.

Your children will request your time.  They will ask to play games and have tea parties.  Remember, (talking to myself here too), give your time generously to your children.  Once they are grown, they will remember if mom and dad gave them their time and played with them.

Your Encouragement

Always encourage your children.  Encourage them to do their best even when it’s difficult.  Encourage them to meet the challenges of school and sports.  Let your children know you believe in them and they can do anything they want to do.

Your Wisdom

As parents, we have many more experiences than our children.  We are able to share our wisdom and experiences with our children as they grow.  Of course, they are children and they think parents don’t know anything.

Share your personal stories that your children can relate to and examples from when you were young to help them recognize you did have the same type of experiences.

Your Respect

Children need their parents to show them respect.  Show your children they are important and valued.  If you have more than one child, each of them will be different.  They will have different talents and abilities.  Respect the abilities of each child and encourage them to do their best with their talents.  Remember, don’t compare your children to each other (it will frustrate them and you).

Your Listening

Have you heard this, “Mommy, your not listening!”  Probably shouted at you because your child feels you are not listening to them.  Sometimes our children decide they have important things to say when we are busy or working on other tasks.  By stopping your project to speak with your child, they will know they are important to you.

As your children get older, continue to have conversations with them.  We have family dinner every night.  No games, no toys, and no electronics are allowed at the table.  We do ask questions about what each person did during the day and try to learn something interesting.

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Your Rules and Boundaries

You are the parent, you have to set the rules, boundaries and expectations for your children.  Children need rules and boundaries, partly so they can test them.  Boundaries give children a safe parameter, even if they are always testing the limits, they know you have set these rules to keep them safe.

Your Help and Your Support

Does your child struggle with one or two subjects in school?  Do they need extra help with homework?  Give your children your help.  Show them you too learned math and language arts in school.  If your child struggles a particular concept, be patient and show them you believe in them.

If your child has learning issues, you may need to research alternate learning strategies to give your child the extra support they need to be successful in school.

Your Trust

Part of showing respect to your children is showing that you trust them.  As parents, we know children will not always do what we expect them to do, but we can give them the opportunity to do right by trusting them.  As they become more responsible, we can give them more trust.

Trusting your children can be difficult.  Start will little things.  Give them small tasks and responsibilities.  If they are successful, then give them more tasks and more trust.

Your Example

Live your life in such a way that you are an example for your children.  Be the person you want your children to be when they grow up.

We are all human and we all make mistakes, but don’t let your mistakes become a poor example for your children.  Recognize your mistakes (even talk about them with your children), then continue to improve yourself and be a great example for your children.

Children who are supported by their parents are more likely to grow up as well adjusted and successful adults.  You can help your child by giving them your unconditional love, your wisdom, your help and support, and your example.

Your turn…

What do your children need from you to be successful?

Until next time be smart


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  1. Our children need us and they need us to be present and intentional. This is a great article. I pray my daughters grow up and believe that I was a good mother and implement some of what I do with their children. I want to be that Mom that they can call at any time because I gave them these 10 things.

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